Our 'make the worst museum' design challenge is still open, but for this reward, we want you to make the best - or at least, the best in financial terms. Create the most profitable museum you can and show us the proof in a video!
We'll use the monthly balance sheet to determine winners. You must make your attempt in Sandbox mode.
Here are the rules:
Create a museum in Sandbox mode with the goal of maximising its profits. You can use any settings - we expect you'll want to maximise the donation multiplier and the monthly grant, for instance.
When you've built a museum that you think is as profitable as you can possibly make it, it's time to record your video! Please play for at least a full month and ensure your submission clearly includes a monthly financial report.
Your submission boils down to one figure: your museum's monthly profit in this financial report. We'll see these in your video, but to help us out, feel free to add your claimed profit in writing when you make your submission!
This is a time-limited reward with a podium finish in which submissions will only close and be judged on Friday, May 2. First-, second-, and third-placed prizes will go, in order, to the videos which show the highest monthly profits, with runner-up prizes for the rest of the field.
Submit your final video through a connected social media account. Suggested tags for your description: #TwoPointMuseum, #JustCreators
Pot total
Created at . Page last updated at .
Deadline at .