Obscure No Man's Sky fact
Initially the way No Man's Sky was designed, it was very difficult to find and interact with other players. Getting from where you were to where someone else was could require hundreds of hyperdrive jumps to navigate across the galaxy.
Though portals were introduced, there was a feature called Portal Interference that prevented players from leaving the star system they portalled to except by returning back through the portal you came in through. Portal Interference also prevented players from building bases on planets they visited. They had to arrive there manually for that privilege.
Anyway the Black Hole Suns project arose from many players desire to interact and build player civilizations together.
It was discovered that Black Holes in the game would consistently warp you to the same destination system. Players began to submit Black Hole locations and their destination systems into the Black Hole Suns database and gradually a network formed so that players could use the website that was created to input their starting point and the destination they wanted to go to and the program would give directions through a few dozen black holes so a player could get anywhere in the galaxy.
So instead of hundreds of warps in a straight line, players could do a few dozen hops through a sequence of black holes - bouncing all different ways across the galaxy to arrive at their destination.
These days the Portal Interference is gone, so players are able to portal directly to their destination and build bases and exit that system with no issue.
New players have no idea the lengths that older players went to in order to interact with one another.