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Video Games

Video Games
Scrbzy's avatar

I'm surprised that Bad Company 2 didn't get a shout, or Modern Warfare 2 for that matter. Halo 3 also a worthy mention...... Actually there's a lot of quality FPS games that I guess makes it very hard to narrow it down to a few! 😂

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I suspect we'll have to run this bounty again sometime to give you a chance to submit those. Someone needs to represent us CoD and Halo fans! (Although, personally, I'd opt for Reach over Halo 3)

Scrbzy's avatar

Reach is an excellent shout, it is the better game tbf, think I just have a lot of fond memories on Halo 3

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me, as stated before, the N64 was special to me as it was about in a difficult time in my life, Goldeneye, was the best game I'd ever played (well except for Perfect Dark) Yeah I said, wanna fight about it?

Its different game modes going from Easy to Agent etc, made the game challenging as well as rage-inducing, this was great. Also, let's face it, a 4-way split screen with everyone sitting next to each other, the number of times I had to jump backward when tempers flared between friends.

But, Doom, Original version is so much better!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Goldeneye (and the Mario Party games) are my most joyous childhood gaming memories. I was given £100 for featuring in a weird film about fish (that's another story) and thought I was the richest kid in the world. I spent it all on Pokémon cards and an N64. The N64 came with Goldeneye with all the cheats and levels unlocked. Life was very, very good.

Damien Mason's avatar

I feel as though it's harder to make memories with modern games like we used to. Perhaps we look so fondly at retro games because they came at a time when it was okay to put them down and move on to another game. Service games repeatedly demand your attention with battle passes to the point you sink so many hours into them that memories start to blur and blend. I don't know, just got me thinking.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I fully agree tbh, these newer games lack the ability to just play for an hour and then go out, you do feel as you said you have to keep grinding, you must have the battle pass, and that gun has to be leveled up to max level, if I don't make this, am I making progress, retro games like Golden Eye and Perfect dark, it's there to play, finish the level and then go do something else.

Damien Mason's avatar

I mean, I say this when my entry is Rainbow Six Siege and I now have over 4,000 hours in it... But I also say it because of that. I love the game and it's given me more memories than I can count, but it's simultaneously hindered me from playing other games because there's no way you can keep up with multiple service games at once without something giving in.

I do miss simpler times like the N64, and even GameCube. I had a blast on Nightfire on local multiplayer.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

It reminds me of League Of Legends when the games are 45 minutes long, you can't leave or you get banned for a time for leaving the match, so you have to finish it and if you want to get somewhere you are talking hours and hours of gameplay and this as you said, full-on hinders any ability ti play anything else because or irl commitments, etc.

Damien Mason's avatar

100%. I love Siege and I'd happily show anyone why it stands out above other modern-day shooters, but there's no way I can defend service games as a concept. They're draining.


Rainbow 6 siege is definitely up there.

REALISM with guns and death, fast based rounds, ability to play casually and competitively. Operator abilities


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