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Video Games
Vivisector's avatar

no doubt gta6 was first :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

You're not wrong :D This year there could only be one top pick. I was happy to see that Fable got some love too though

greybill's avatar

The first time I heard of Atomfall, but

science fiction, folk horror, and Cold War

sounds like an interesting mix I could enjoy.

For Subnautic 2 I'm generally looking forward to. I enjoyed the original a lot for its exploration playstyle.

And then there is hope for a good Fable... they have a high bar to climb over with all the nostalgia added to that brand. Let's hope it's going to be good.

What never appealed to me for some reason is GTA. I might poke a hornet's nest by asking... but why do so many people like this series?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Glad we've got you intrigued in Atomfall! I can only speak for myself with GTA 6, as someone whose never played GTA Online but has played all of the main GTA games. And for me, it's no single factor, it's the combination of deep worlds, humour, narrative, graphics, realism, freedom, nostalgia, and the assured knowledge that Rockstar won't disappoint with quality and surprises alike


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