Agent 47 really gets around. Take the Apex Predator mission in Berlin’s post-nuclear nightclub, the Nightcall mission in New Zealand’s Hawkes Bay beach houses, or the On Top of the World mission in Dubai’s lofty heights. Glamorous, exotic locations all, brought to life in intricate level designs that give you plenty of opportunity for creative hits, sneaking around, and dressing up in silly costumes. Well, the world is wide, and a hitman’s work is never done, so we asked our community of passionate gamers where Agent 47 could go next. Io Interactive, we hope you’re reading!
If Shovel's idea was just Venice, it would still be a worthy contender. However, their mission takes place during Venice’s most colourful and crowded celebration: the annual Venice Carnival.
“Venice is full of historic architecture, making it perfect for exploration challenges. Throw in thronging crowds of masked and costumed revellers, and you have the perfect scenario for Agent 47 to blend in and disguise himself. Because it’s a carnival atmosphere, you could get really creative with your assassinations. Need to hide the sound of a bullet? Best make use of fireworks or confetti cannons.”

We imagine those confetti cannons could also be used for more than just hiding the sound of a kill 😏
Colourful, chaotic, beautiful, and ancient, Nepal’s capital city would make for a claustrophobic and thrilling Hitman mission complete with endless hiding places. It was nominated by TheGreatestBanana12 who also suggests the mission’s premise:
“Kathmandu would be an interesting location as it's not often you see games set in a place like Nepal. Maybe you could have a western drug lord who has taken over one of the temples. It’s your job to explore the bustling backstreets to locate their hideout, take down their goons, and eliminate the big boss.”

Central London
Murder on the dancefloor? AirGaram envisages a mission in London, but don’t expect Agent 47 to just be wandering the streets of Whitehall. Their idea, akin to Blood Money’s A Dance With The Devil mission at a heaven-and-hell-themed party, would see our barcode-stamped antihero dressed to the nines on a fact-finding party mission that’s sure to have bodies hitting the floor.
“The mission would be similar to Lady Boyle’s Last Party in Dishonored. Your target would be hosting a masquerade ball. The only problem? There are three guests who all look like your target, and it’s up to you to gather clues as to which is your true prey.”

West Baden Springs Hotel, Indiana, USA
A specific hotel in Indiana might seem like a very particular choice, but then West Baden Springs Hotel in French Lick Indiana isn’t your average hotel. Vast, remote, and spectacular, with an atrium crowned by what was the world’s largest dome at its opening in 1902, the hotel is the size of a small town. It’s the sort of place one might imagine a cabal of villains planning world domination. Funny that. Here’s Horror and Cats in their nomination:
“I know we’ve already had Bangkok hotels and Parisian mansions in Hitman games, but this particular hotel would provide some fabulous opportunities for stylish assassinations, as well as plenty of impulse kills. The rooms join in internal hallways, some have balconies facing inward to the gigantic atrium. There are oh so many chances for oopsies and ouchies there.
“Then there’s the pool area, complete with beams for hiding on and windows directly overlooking the pool. The bath tubs are filled from the mineral springs beneath the hotel, providing the inventive assassin with plenty of ways to tamper with would-be bathers’ bathwater. The grounds themselves are surrounded by a tall forest, water features, a luxurious dining area, and plenty of maintenance areas filled with heavy pump machinery for the spring water.”

The Circus
Round up, round up, one and all! Welcome to the cirque du slay! Few missions have as much potential for clowning around as Josh B's idea of an assassination in a circus. There would be plenty of bonus contracts for other members of the circus, but the main target? That’d be ‘The Ringmaster’:
“A circus setting would provide some amazing disguises, from clowns to trapeze artists to firebreathers. Any of which would have their own opportunities for ‘accidents’. And that’s not even mentioning lion mishandling, falls from the tightrope, mass pile-ups in the motorbike cage, or being squashed by a sitting elephant. Those are just some of the dastardly ideas I’ve cooked up. Make it happen, Io!”

African safari
Josh’s entry wasn’t the only one to feature lions. Konquest's idea does too, only there isn’t a tamer in sight. Here are three reasons they’d like to see Agent 47 venture out into the wilds of sub-saharan Africa:
“Firstly, there are the breathtaking and diverse natural landscapes that would make up the backdrop. The region’s natural beauty not only looks great but also has unique opportunities for creative kills and strategic infiltration. Secondly, there are the hazards of the local environment; Agent 47 may have to deal with anything from aggressive baboons to poisonous snakes and treacherous cliffs. Finally, there’s the mission itself, I’m picturing 47 blending in as part of a Safari tour or hiding in the bushes waiting for an opportune moment to strike.”
As for the disguises, well Konquest has some ideas…

The US Midwest
Laser-Bicep's idea not only transports us around the world, but back in time to a heavily stylised ‘80s Midwest. Perhaps it could even feature a young Agent 47, complete with a full head of permed hair. They’ve described a mission that takes part in three different areas:
“Mission area one: A sparse suburban setting with a criminal narcotics gang intermingled with civilians. Your challenge is to kill or avoid their hired goons and avoid the local PD.
"Mission area two: Next up, you head to an ‘80s megamall where the drug deals go down.
"Mission area three: Finally, you travel across the US to Miami where the heads of the drug gangs operate. Once there, you could travel up Nakatomi tower, Die Hard style, or even have to take someone out on a crowded Miami beach. Wherever the kill takes place, it’d need heavy ‘80s synth music and loads of the era’s retro weaponry and gadgetry."

Rio de Janeiro
Rio is a city packed between mountains, lagoons, and the Atlantic ocean. As the population grew, residents built shanty towns or ‘favelas’ on the steep mountain slopes. It’s in these vibrant, labyrinthian, and dangerous favelas that Sturmer imagines his dream Hitman mission:
“The favelas’ unique architecture and lively street scenes would offer a fresh, visually striking setting for a high-stakes assassination. The dense alleyways provide the perfect backdrop for stealth and subterfuge, offering numerous hiding spots and vantage points. The vibrant, chaotic atmosphere contrasts sharply with the dark undertones of Agent 47’s mission. Targeting a crime boss or drug lord hiding in this urban jungle would create a thrilling cat-and-mouse game, in which using the environment to your advantage becomes crucial. Check out this drone video tour for context:
A LAN tournament
Makster's idea is all kinds of meta and even involves an in-game minigame. He presents a scenario in which Agent 47 needs to kill a pro gamer, only our hitman has been tasked with taking down his target in the game and in real life.
“Call it a little on the nose, but I’d set my mission at a prestigious LAN tournament. I doubt Agent 47 would have the gaming skills to take down a pro gamer, so perhaps you’d want to disguise yourself as a teammate to team-kill the target. Alternatively, you could sabotage their equipment, upload some cheat software to your own, or inflict your target with some sort of incapacitation that hampers their gameplay skills.”

You’ve heard of a drive by, but have you heard of a ski by? There’d be plenty of chances for one in Limal's idea for a Hitman mission set in a Swiss alpine village and ski resort. Throw some ski-doos, avalanches, and ski-lift sniping into the mix, and you’ve got plenty of scope for a classic Hitman takedown.
“The idea is to combine stunning valley views, luxurious hotels, wealthy individuals in sporty ski gear and goggles (providing an opportunity for 47 to disguise themself), and of course, hidden underground bunkers.”

Hong Kong
We’ve saved one of our favourites until last. EveOnlineTutorials has chosen Hong Kong, a city filled with densely packed skyscrapers, neon lights, and a fusion of eastern and western culture, and formatted his submission just like an in-game mission briefing:
“Mission File: #2854. Location: Hong Kong. Rescue: Senator Short's Daughter. Mission: YKZ Smash & Grab. Location: Hong Kong.
“Senator Short’s daughter has been kidnapped in what is believed to be a politically motivated move linked to nuclear disarmament plans. Given the senator’s committee status and his association with [REDACTED], all intelligence points towards YKZ gang enforcers in collaboration with compromised local security services.
“Blueprints show several access points, but ground floor incursion is advised. HQ recommends appropriating waiting staff attire and heading directly to the service elevator; Agent may need to silence several YKZ enforcers en route. Intelligence suggests YKZ enforcer Cheuk [REDACTED] is on site, and agent’s orders are to kill on sight.“Once Agent has eliminated the target, exfil is advised via rooftop helipad. Aerial surveillance indicates the presence of an on-site chopper. Removal of local pilot advised before securing evac. Operatives should be advised of heavy CCTV and national police presence. Keep law enforcement deaths to a minimum; non-lethal takedowns advised.”

Which of these Hitman missions would you most like to play and why? Do you have your own idea? Let us know below! Some text has been amended for brevity, you can find the original wording at the bounty post. Image credit: Io Interactive, nouveaumonde34, Raimond Klavins, PIRO4D, West Baden Springs Hotel, Cyrus Crossan, Konquest, Rafal Werczynski, Florian Olivo, katerinavulcova, zhangliams.
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