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Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

Oh I love this! Really nice thing to do on stream and let the community get to know you better. I might pinch the idea when I get affiliate :D

  1. FFXVI - Bahamut: This fight blew my mind. Love the complexity of it, not just it has different phases but you also get to fight in different forms.

  2. FFVII - Sephiroth: for a long time this was my top boss fight until Bahamut stole the crown. Doing this for the first time when you are 12 years old.... it was something

  3. FFXIV - Warrior of Light (Elidibus): this fight starts with a heavy healer check, dropping everyone to 1 hp and having very little time to heal up the party. Love it when I see my co-healer is a newbie and I'll have to solo heal the whole thing because they'll be scared out of their mind.

  4. Kingdom Hearts 3 - Yozora: on first run I lost this boss fight... you could imagine my surprise when it was not game over, I thought it was intended to lose here. Then on replay I actually managed to beat it and got the other ending.

  5. Lineage II - Antharas: a huge dragon, the final boss of the base game which required multiple alliances to kill it. It was so satisfying to see people come together to complete it (not to mention the mass pvp between alliances before spawn :D)

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me this will be a short post, I love The Division 2, I loved the Warlords expansion and I nearly wet myself when they announced TD3 coming as well. In most games I play like Eve Online & Minecraft, we don't have bosses per se, more goals you reach.

  1. Ender Dragon - The first time I beat this guy, I was happy as you like, because I didn't do the "bed cheat" - I simply grinded for hours to get the right enchants and armor.

  2. The Hydra, Minecraft Modded - This little bugger is fast, tricky, and can morph through anything, killing him was a great moment for me, and got his loot!

Those are my top two, my final three are all from TD2, because in that system of run and gun, it was all about tactics, using cover, conserving your ammo, etc. Hardest fights in FPS games Iv'e played in a long time.

Thomas's avatar
  1. Ornstein & Smough - Dark Souls - I spent so long trying to beat these guys and they still give me trouble on repeat playthroughs. It's always such a fun time.

  2. Jeanne (final encounter) - Bayonetta - I always love a mirror match and Jeanne is a perfect example.

  3. Genichiro Ashina - Sekiro - Also took me forever, but demands that you get to grip with the game's parry system. By the end, I felt like a god.

  4. Perfect Chaos - Sonic Adventure - Obviously there's a fair amount of nostalgia at play, but blasting through a flooded city as Super Sonic while Open Your Heart plays was sick as hell

  5. Ice Worm - Armored Core VI - I'm aware of how FromSoft heavy my list is, but I couldn't not include it. The sense of scale, and of having a specific job as part of a team, made this fight super special

Sturmer's avatar

While solo games might seem challenging to some, they essentially boil down to personal muscle memory training. You learn the attack patterns and the different phases, and that's it. However, what's truly difficult, in my opinion, is coordinating all of that with 25 or even 40 other people.

No matter how elite a player you are, success relies entirely on perfect execution and synchronization among all raid members. I believe the game designers at Blizzard, particularly in World of Warcraft, have done an incredible job.

Some boss fights span five phases, each creating a completely unique environment with a set of distinct abilities. Most fights are structured like dominoes – if even one member fails to fulfill their role at the exact moment, everything starts to fall apart and descends into chaos. I've seen no other games that provide such a group experience and deep satisfaction upon success.

It’s like that funny challenge where two people are tied together at the legs and must run in sync. Now, imagine 40 people needing to do that simultaneously – if one falls, everyone crumbles to the ground.

My top 5 bosses are:

  1. Yogg-Saron in Ulduar

  2. The Lich King in Icecrown Citadel

  3. Illidan in Black Temple

  4. Ragnaros in the 40-man classic

  5. Archimonde in the Caverns of Time

Nicole's avatar

Weird that I don't see a single Spyro boss on here so I'll go ahead and assume it was number 6

Retro Stu's avatar

Moneybags is the real Spyro boss.

Nicole's avatar

Don't get me started

tinny_three's avatar

Came here to say the final boss in Hades is awesome, agreed.

Such a great feeling of completion.

Plus, the extra heat on the other bosses make for really cool differences after playing the game for a while.

Joel's avatar

Great topic.

Semi-top of head, but - in no particular order - I'll flag:

  • Knight Artorias, Dark Souls (trying to limit myself to one Souls boss is basically impossible, but if I had to)

  • Sephiroth, FFVII

  • Phalanx, Shadow of the Colossus

  • The End, MGS3

  • Chronos, God of War III (similarly difficult to limit to one fight in particular)

Boomer's avatar

I like how this isn't best or hardest, so we can interpret it however we like!

I'd have to go with;

  1. Rival - Pokémon Red / Blue / Yellow: He's so smug throughout the whole game, despite beating him at every turn!

  2. ??? - Outer Wilds: If you know, you know, but if you don't then any info is a major spoiler.

  3. Willard Mutant - Tomb Raider 3: Giant space spider mutant. No thank you!

  4. Khan Makyr - Doom Eternal: How do you fight a trans-dimensional archangel mech from hell!?

  5. Sigrun, Queen of the Valkyries- God of War: She is way tougher than any god in the entire franchise! No character build tweaking, no walkthrough videos, and no amount of mental fortitude could save me from days of frustration 😖, but finally I won with only a tiny bit of life left! It was so rewarding watching my partner play through the whole game, and following a similar amount of frustration, watching her beat Sigrun without using a resurrection stone! 🤘

Dr Kirboom's avatar

Yeah I did, and I've been living off that flex for months now 😂 let's see what Elden Ring brings!

Boomer's avatar

Wait, did I summon you here somehow? 😲 Dr Kirboom is my partner by the way, but no special treatment! We've all got to play by the rules, otherwise . . .


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