Making video games is a collaborative enterprise, with the biggest games requiring teams of hundreds to make. Some achieve more renown than others, whether deservedly as the most talented or influential, or perhaps just because they're good at self-promotion.
We're calling on you, the Just About Video Games community, to cut through the noise and let us know who is your favourite game developer. Perhaps they were the director of your favourite games - that'd be an obvious place to start - or perhaps they're an artist, composer, or actor who turns in consistently memorable performances every time. Or maybe you have an even better reason to admire them?
Write us a couple of short paragraphs or record a short video - a minimum of 50 words or 30 seconds of footage - telling us who your favourite dev is and explaining why. The best entries get $5 each!
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$35 / 35
This reward closed to entries at 12:27pm on January 19, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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