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Video Games

Video Games
Damien Mason's avatar

At the age I am now, it's Metal Gear Solid by a country mile.

At the age I was then, it was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, closely followed by Spyro.


nice pics! I agree MGS was just so far ahead of its time! Really deserves a fantastic remake / remaster , would be cool if Sony or someone would buy Konami and give the rights for MGS back to Kojima 👍

Damien Mason's avatar

There are leaks suggesting the original will get a remake after Delta, but with how the Master Collection Vol. 1 port was at launch, I won't hold my breath.

Dr Kirboom's avatar

I like the age I am now/then distinction!

Back then, i would have said Spyro, hands down. Got the remaster on PS4 a few years ago and it was like going straight back to being 10!

Now, I would say Starcraft - started my love for RTS games and still replay the whole thing every year or so.

Nicole's avatar

Definitely a good point. Back then, it was Crash Bandicoot all the way for me (still a strong contender to be honest). Probably Fallout 2 now!

Damien Mason's avatar

I've still yet to get around to Fallout 2, but it's on the (very long) list!

Damien Mason's avatar

Cheers, I felt it was warranted because MGS was a little too difficult for me at six, but is one of my all-time favourite games today. Plus, it feels like a cheeky way to choose more than one.


Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. The only game I played from that year and for that time... it was a lot. It still is.

Joel's avatar

Great question, and what a ridiculous year that was.

I think the 'correct' answer is Half-Life, in terms of impact and legacy, but on a personal level it would be MGS.

Retro Stu's avatar

Abe's Exoddus by a long way for me! Mind controlling your farts to make them explode?

Thomas's avatar

Assuming that we're going by Western release dates and so Sonic Adventure doesn't qualify, my favourite game of 1998 is definitely Grim Fandango. I think it's by far my favourite of Tim Schafer's adventure games

Boomer's avatar

How has there not been a single vote for Half-Life in the comments so far? 😲One of the most influential FPS titles in the history of video games! Surely someone should have voted for it by now?

Anyway, my pick is Abe's Exoddus 😁

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Unreal Tournament hands down, I loved the "life" maps where you where tiny and running around a full-sized house, I used to hide in the vents sniping people.


Banjo-Kazooie for me. That game is such a core memory for me.

It was the first year I detasseled corn (which is a terrible job they give to kids 12 years old and up where you walk through corn and pull the tassels from the top of some rows) and my first check was ~$58 because we'd only worked one day that week. I talked my brother into helping me get to a K-mart to buy the game. He and one of his friends "borrowed" a car from another friend to get me over there. The car then broke down and a 20-minute trip turned into a 5-hour ordeal trying to get that car back before the friend noticed. I've not thought of that in years.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'm going to throw in a curveball here and vote for Mario Party. Yes, in a year that gave us Half Life, MGS, and The Ocarina of Time, I realise I'm setting fire to my gamer credibility . But I just loved those mini-games so much

Sturmer's avatar

Fallout 2, no doubt about it

Sturmer's avatar

Oh btw, those games from a pic, combined, could easily be 1500-2000 hours of my life


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