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Video Games

Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Honestly, bring it on, see what happens, I just hope they actually finish it first lol

Boomer's avatar

Ha yeah, I'm not a gambling man, but if I were then I'd still not bet on an MMO launching successfully!

It seems impossibly difficult, and I suppose that's what makes the MMO bounty interesting 😁

Sturmer's avatar

For all Fortnite + Tatooine lovers

Boomer's avatar

Ha yeah I can see that! I've somehow still not played Fortnite, and as I love Dune this might be the one for me.

On an unrelated note (just thinking out loud), I catch myself saying I've not played a lot of the games that people bring up, so I feel I should start a discussion and just update and link to every place I say it on Just About! 😅

Members could leave a reply with their backlog, and could edit it as they play through them. Maybe even reply to their own reply for each game they check off, leaving their thoughts.

It's like collectively holding each other accountable for actually clearing our backlog 😂


Did you check out the dune RTS game that came out recently? I cant remember its name, ive got it but not checked it out yet!

Boomer's avatar

Dune: Spice Wars looks amazing but I've not picked it up yet. I'm a huge RTS fan as well, so it'd be right up my street!

Is it one you plan to stream, or just for your own enjoyment?

Scrbzy's avatar

Can confirm Spice Wars is great! It's only gotten better since release too, definitely worth picking up if you're a big RTS fan.


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