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Video Games

Video Games

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Thomas's avatar

I'm currently completely addicted to Hitman: Freelancer.

Laura's avatar

My life is being consumed by a few games at the moment. I don't like playing too many games at the same time because my ADD likes to get things mixed up and I become frustrated.

My current games are: Baldurs Gate 3, Enshrouded, Palworld and Tarkov

Laura's avatar

I'm really enjoying it. The building is excellent and the concept is fun! I've basically spent close to 20 hours building and bare minimum of the actual game itself, but I'm having fun with it! Excited to see where the devs take the game considering its just in EA, I have high hopes!

Boomer's avatar

I sometimes listen to ambient sounds and music from Elder Scrolls games while I work.

Problem is it makes me want to play Skyrim, so I'm playing Skyrim😂

I decided to spice it up with some mods, so now I very frequently run into huge NPC battles! It's often 10 Atronach vs 10 Hagraven, or 10 Werewolves vs 10 Werebears.

I die a lot ☠️

Lanah Tyra's avatar

FFXIV and FF7 Ever Crisis too. Not much on mobile, but the Steam version really made me play it more as I enjoy it a lot on the bigger screen and with comfy keybinds.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Eve Online for videos n Minecraft for fun! As per normal, I am terribly predictable

Rich's avatar

Nothing wrong with consistency!

Wings's avatar

I basically always have a Stardew Valley game on the go so I think of this every poll! This month it's another bout of The Sims 4 though.

Dave's avatar

Fortnite and Alan Wake 2 (only a couple of hours in).

Rich's avatar

Nice, how are you finding Alan Wake 2 so far?

Dave's avatar

I have a lot of spare time to myself for once this weekend coming so I'm planning on blasting through it to the end with some very long sessions and not doing much else! The first few hours have been pretty good, very cinematic, kind of like a cross between silent hill 1 and a 3d point and click adventure in a way.

Rich's avatar

Nice. I keep meaning to try a horror game but I can't really get behind zombies, or jumpscares, or gore or gross-out - cinematic psychological horror sounds much more interesting!

Sturmer's avatar

Decided to take a crazy approach to BG3: Solo, Hardmode, mininmal talking - pure rage and destruction!

Nicole's avatar

How's that working out for you 😂

Sturmer's avatar

Well, the dialogs are fast, most of the time they just end on the first option 5. Attack


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