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Video Games
Wings's avatar

Unfortunately it feels like being annoying is a feature, not a bug, in order to force your hand towards paying to be rid of them. Of the streaming services, it still feels like its up there in terms of value but increasingly thats just because of prime delivery versus the actual streaming service.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Yeah, this is just not funny, the reason I use streaming services instead of watching stuff on TV is the ads, I hate them, I don't care about new sofas or garage doors, I just wanna watch the film!

Sturmer's avatar

Unacceptable. The reason why I tend to use PLEX more and more...

Alex's avatar

To be honest this has really put me off with keeping my prime subscription, but because i actually use Amazon for online shopping and their other services, I still keep it. I also don't really use the prime video streaming service as there hasn't really been anything that has caught my eyes, but i'm not a fan with how you have to pay more to get ad free, when it was already ad free to start off with


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