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Video Games
Sturmer's avatar

Thats a good news for the industry

Dave's avatar

A lot of disney stuff already in the game with the star wars colabs and every other brand they own in there as well. Will be interesting to see how this ends up inside the game over time.

I play every sunday to get together with old friends, I am not too keen on the lego game as it's not my sort of thing those crafting games. Some of the games in there are really good, Rocket Racing is really good, fast pick up and play. The music games is decent although fairly wafer thin other than chasing high scores. Lots of fun creator made games/modes. BR no build mode is really good for the casuals like me. It's worth taking another look if you haven't tried it for years or didn't like the original BR with building.

The whole thing about nft's and metaverse, buying things and reusing them across different games came and went, while Epic had kind of already built it in a way (just without nfts/blockchain).

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I play Fortnite with my boys all the time, love the game, I'm a damn good builder and my boys are in champion leagues in competitive play, this is great new for Fortnite.


So when Disney makes official they bought Epic as well?

Alex's avatar

I'm actually really keen for this collaboration between Disney and Epic, I'm also wondering does this mean we'll see Kingdom Hearts in the future?


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