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Video Games
Dave's avatar

Looks decent, will download it and give it a go over the weekend. There are so many indi games on Steam I am sure I would love and there are all hidden away adn ahrd to discover. Or I see them but don't want to take the risk of paying to give it a go. These nextfest demo events they do are a good idea. I found a few decent ones over the last few.

I miss the days of magazine coverdisks full of demos and even on the 360 where most things had a downloadable demo still. Thats basically how I used to decide what to buy back then. Not sure why it stopped being a thing.

Retro Stu's avatar

Next Fest is my highlight of the year. If I'd been able to stream this week I'd be working my way through as many as possible. Found some absolute crackers over the last few years.

I'm with you on the cover disks! I miss that aspect of things. Especially when it used to be 2-4 screenshots on the back of a Sega Master System cart that determined whether I bought something!

Dave's avatar

H ha yeah I remember doing that! Used to go round the local newsagents evey Thursday afternoon as thats when they got their new delivery of C64 game cassettes delivered. Then spend ages in there going through picking out all the good ones. Either buying them or hiding them at the back of the shelf for when I got more pocket money and hope noone had bought them yet! Anything by Codemasters I used to buy as they rarely made/published a bad game back then.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

It's interesting and looks decent.


I have an interview with the Perennial Order people that needs to be put up on my blog... Will put it up "soon".

Dave's avatar

"Find a good game demo in the Steam nextfest event? Tell us what it is and why its good for £5." submitted to the suggest a bounty, bounty. Finishes on the 12th though so would need to be up before the weekend.


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