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Dave's avatar

FYI there is a 2 month trial of the new google gemini ultra/advanced. Basically sign up then immediately cancel. In effect its the google one 2tb package with ai thrown in as an extra. It's claimed in some places that there are about 230k chagpt plus subsribers so I'm not sure there is much demand for the subscription model of these things outside of enterprise customers when there are the free versions out there that do the job for most people.

I quite like it's default conversation/writing style over chatgpt free/plus and copilot but I doubt I will be paying for it. It doesn't use all those phrases chatgpt does like "a testamant to", a tapestry of", "however it's important to note/remember/understand ", "further more" and so on. You can spot chatgpts writing style quite easily after using it a lot.

Boomer's avatar

Those subscription numbers are significantly lower than I'd have expected!

We shared an article a while back about AI content on Just About, but I do love the less nuke-y ways it's used. I highly recommend the AI and Games YouTube channel if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Dave's avatar

Yeah I can't remember where I read it or what they used as justification for why they thought it to be the case. I agree it seems low.

Sturmer's avatar

I frequently use those phrases too!


wow, very interesting, lets hope as they evolve they show even more of a lack of desire for large scale destruction

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Why does this not surprise me, like at all, AI is so very dangerous. Because if it becomes sentient, we are doomed lol.

Boomer's avatar

Makes me think of the sampled dialogue at 13:32 on an album by Trevor Something - FYI the rest of the album contains explicit lyrics.

"My own feeling is that we will have almost no communication with super intelligent computers, because the nature of what they are thinking about will be completely foreign to us."

Boomer's avatar

Exactly! That was the first thing that came to mind 😅


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