We've spoken before on Just About of the impact that search engine optimisation is having on the internet, but despite all that, some fantastic stuff is still getting published, and certainly has been in the past. That's as true of video game writing as it is of anything else, and we want you to do what Google increasingly can't: help us find it.
This is a really easy one. Simply post a link to a personal favourite piece of video game writing. Perhaps this could be a perceptive bit of opinion or industry analysis published in the games media, a critical piece of investigative journalism, or just a top-notch review or interview from one of your favourite bloggers.
The outlet doesn't matter as long as it's in writing, about games, and of super-high quality. Give us just a sentence or two of your own summary and context, too! Lots of prizes on offer here: the 20 best submissions get $2 apiece.
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