First of all I would like to say how awesome this platform is so far and I look forward to the friendly community's that grow around games. That said, there are currently only a couple of games included (to be expected, Justabout is brand new). My question is what smaller games would you like to see added to build a community and promote custom challenges and objectives for one another. I say small and by this I mean AA or smaller. Weather its to tell more people about an awesome indi title or just give the players more things to do in a mechanically fun but otherwise story light game.My pick would be Pallworld!Yes I know its been everywhere recently but for all the wrong reasons. We can talk endlessly about its similarities of other games or the issues of early access but the one thing that stands out to me as a negative is that there is just no point (yet). There are little objectives here and there but there is largely nothing to do. However with Justabout, there could be. We could have competitions, ingame meet ups, even build our own story arround the community.
What community would you like to see?
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