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Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

And a fun fact for our content creators debating which editing software is the best: Husky said Vegas crashed 18 times on the project:

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

It's always nice to see so many people hyped about a game. Always also nice to see so many people, talented and working together to make content.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'll keep my initial hype under this discussion because I'm sure you'll all have enough of me soon 😂

Go to Google and search for chocobo. A little orange button will appear, press it :)


haha I am hyped for you! Enjoy! I still need to catch up and play through the previous entries!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'm at work and hoping the package will arrive when I get home :D Want to have a moment with it just by myself before playing it on stream Saturday

Horror and Cats's avatar

As I was saying in your stream the other day Lanah Tyra, “if only I knew what was going on” lol

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I hope you still had fun watching us dying :D If it helps we had no idea either what was going on as it was a blind raid prog so we haven't watched any guides, were trying to figure out the mechanics on our own.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Those are a bunch of words I understand! Lol honestly I’m just happy to support a Just About buddy. Also you’ve got a lovely voice. I know it’s tough to get a word in when you’ve got an energetic party but it tickled me when you read my chats. Definitely lean into that!

Dave's avatar

I think the launch trailer could have been a bit better put together to show it off, there's some odd choices of scenes in there and dialogue. e.g 19 seconds to 27 seconds that just made me laugh instead of be concerned about what was happening! it goes like this:

"Aerith! Aerith! Aerith! Aerith! Cloud! NOW! Cloud! Cloud! cloud! Cloud! Aerghh"

Reminds me of this:

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I have to agree that bit wasn't the best editing choice.

Wings's avatar

As someone who has never played a Final Fantasy game and never particularly understood the numbering system 😅 can I start with Rebirth or do I need to go way back?

Dave's avatar

Uniquely for rebirth I would say no as it's part 2 of a 3 part series being FFVII remake. Really you want to play the first FFVII remake game before this one.

For practically every other FF game they are thier own standalone independent thing with completely different characters, setting and story, so you can play any of them in any order.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Dave was faster but I agree. If you're interested in FF7 Rebirth then play FF7 Remake first. The original FF7 was 3 disks so in the remake series we are getting 3 games

If you wanted some extra lore and prequel to FF7 then you could also play Crisis Core, it was originally for PSP but got a console/PC version a couple of years ago.


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