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Video Games

Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

It's so nice to see people interested in games, trying out new things or showing what games they grew up with and love still.

mar1gold 's avatar

Definitely! I've also learnt about some new games I might have never otherwise known about on here :)

Dave's avatar

My regular Fortnite squad is 1 female, 3 male. I totally understand this from the experience I've heard about while group chatting in our squad every week and also from what I see myself in places.

This site is a refreshing change so far and I think quite a few people are actively taking part on here that wouldn't normally elsewhere.

Paul's avatar

I feel the same. There have been plenty of times on soial media iv seen an article or a comment I wanted to discuss but thought "na, il just get a load of s*it for it".

I dont feel it here, infact I need to remind myself its ok to comment 🤣

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I have to agree, the hate a lot of female gamers get if they aren't considered "hot" by certain people, is just not needed. IMO gamers and streamers should be judged on their skill, not there sex or looks.


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