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Video Games

ok I have made a super unfortunate mistake due to autocorrect can someone at just about fix the second option please! Ps would be really good if we could edit these to avoid mistakes shortly after posting..

Horror and Cats's avatar

Don’t sweat it, bud. It’s to do with the Mod Bot settings why you can’t edit. I brought it up on the “let us know” feed. They are working on it. In the mean time, just know folks know what you MEAN and that’s what matters :)

Rupert's avatar

I can't edit it! Let me know if you want me to delete so you can try again...


hey Rupert yeah can you delete as I’d rather it was correct than something like it says please 💪

Horror and Cats's avatar

Before the thread goes bye bye, just wanted to say I think we all know what you meant and wouldn’t make a thing out of a typo. That’s not what this site is about :)

Rupert's avatar

The thread is starting to get busier, so let me see if I can find another way of editing it first!


Howdy! any luck with getting this changed or deleted?


I can’t even delete the post for some reason to repost?

Horror and Cats's avatar

I ALWAYS play female. I’m a male and identify as male, but I play female because:

  • Better clothing options

  • I generally enjoy feminine voices more than masculine

  • Aesthetically more diverse and pleasing when it comes to slider customization


What if someone doesn't identify as the classic binaries of male and female? :P

Personally, I always play female because it feels right to me, aside that they look and sound better. The only exception is Mass Effect where the first playthrough had been Shepard male cause that felt right as it was, but Shepard is Shepard.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Funnily enough MA was where my female-protagonist tradition started because Jennifer Hale as Shepard was sooooo much better vocally than Mark Meer’s male Shepard.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Most of the time I prefer playing as a female character as it's easier for me to identify with since I'm female too. Though I have a male character in FFXIV as my alt, I created him for an RP with a friend. It's quite often that girls in FFXIV have male characters, because catboys and bunboys just look too damn good :D (yes guys we know you love to look at a female character's backside while playing, we also love to look at a male character 's :D)

Pictures of my FFXIV characters:

Horror and Cats's avatar

Well hey, as long as you know we know that you know… 🤭

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Not sure what that means in terms of those choices but I have always preferred female characters to male ones, but that's just personal preference.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Lanah Tyra and myself can confirm, you like the booties XD

Lanah Tyra's avatar

It's all about the booties! Doesn't matter if male or female, in most games you are going see your character from behind, the bootie has to look good then!

Sturmer's avatar

if its MMO or competitive game - always female, their hitbox and/or model is smaller, so harder for enemies to hit me!

Paul's avatar

I have no preference. If I can create a character then usually male at first but will often make female characters aswell. As for named protagonists im really not fussed. Chose to plas as Kassandra in AC Odyssey, happy to play as Lara croft or Alloy in their respective games.

The character and story is more important to me.


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