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Video Games
Kings Court's avatar

I was made aware of this quite some time ago after covering another game for the same developer, I have been waiting in anticipation for it !!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Well, this is, horrifying lol. I suppose this is one way to creep people out for fun xD

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh you KNOW I’ll be digging around in some folks when this comes out haha

Nicole's avatar

You certainly paint a picture...a visceral...disgusting...picture 😂

Horror and Cats's avatar

If I had a nickel for every time someone said that to me...

Boomer's avatar

Is this the unofficial sequel to Viscera Cleanup Detail? 😱


I will not be playing this haha I’m a big scardy cat lol

Lanah Tyra's avatar

same, even the trailer made me jump 😂


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