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Video Games

Video Games
Dave's avatar

I remember the anticipation of the first one on the PS1, can't remember if there was a little demo up to the point you refer to or it was just an fmv video trailer/preview on the official playstation magazine cover disk. I'm thinking a demo.

Makes me feel so old. At that time a 28 year old film etc would have seemed ancient!

Dave's avatar

The bit with the water and the sharks is what I remember the most, plus the corridor with the dogs jumping in.

Juuni's avatar

I remember getting my PS1 back in '97 I believe (my son was just born) and the first game I got for it was Resident Evil. Game taught me not to play games in the dark! Played 1, 0, 2, 3, CV, 4, 5 and enjoyed them all. Couldn't get through 6. Played the Remakes of 2 and 3, and getting ready to start 4, 7 and 8 when I had time but I just had a SSD crash so I'll have to re-download first.



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