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Video Games

Video Games
Dave's avatar

Someone made a mod for overwatch is what it looks like!

Paul's avatar

Not a fan of Overwatch or that game type so itl be a hard pass for me.


im down, this looks fun, I donā€™t mind overwatch or paladins for a quick blast and this looks nearly identical, but I do like the destructible environments which looks cool! And free to play so nothing to loose! Anyone gonna sign up for the beta?

Boomer's avatar

I'd be up for giving it a go šŸ˜Š I'll keep an eye on it, but no doubt someone will post about it here closer to Alpha! šŸ˜

Sturmer's avatar

Nice overwatch reskin, might even try it, is it F2P?

Boomer's avatar

It is indeed, and we won't find a better deal than that! šŸ˜

I'd fully expect characters behind a paywall, skins, battle passes, and other microtransactions, but purely based on gameplay it looks fun!

Sturmer's avatar

Just noted - NetEase, so yea, f2p 146%

Actually, after rewatching the content again, I'm gonna take my mean words back, the game looks like what I was expecting from OV2! Could be a hit


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