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Video Games

Video Games
Horror and Cats's avatar

Also, fun fact, if you embolden the first text line of your post, it won't preview on the community page lol

Boomer's avatar

Hey Horror and Cats, thanks for flagging this. I'll report it to our tech team, and I believe they're working on a related part of the platform.

Demonsmustdie's avatar

I already bought the game and seen nothing but positive views. Guess i have to experience it myself.

Horror and Cats's avatar

It’s possible I’ve been deeply unlucky, but I posted a video of the game breaking bug and people in the comments told me their similar woes, mainly about the getting glitched up onto non-accessible scenery. One person had the exact same mission bug I did.

Boomer's avatar

It'd be cool to hear how you get on, and to see if you experience the bugs Horror and Cats talks about here. Fingers crossed you have better luck! 🤞

Sturmer's avatar

Sadness, this is why I always recommend to not preorder, get it 6mo after a release and most things will be resolved


its random how games rarely ship big free now yet back in the 360/ps3 days and before they did! Probably only company shipping top quality big free stuff to this day regularly is Nintendo? And to lesser extent Sony exclusives are pretty tidy too!

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’d have thought with such huge traversal bugs they’d have out out a day one patch or something but nope. I also noticed a lot of “sponsored content” on it which always makes me think hmm, someone is worried. Especially when it’s sporting a huge name like Alone In the Dark. It’s quite literally the birth of survival horror. You really shouldn’t have to pay people to be interested…


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