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Video Games

Video Games
Horror and Cats's avatar

Toys ‘R’ Us catalogs were always big for me, but I didn’t get into gaming till my teen years, so it was always about the various Nerf blasters or Jurassic Park toys for me. The birthday I got the Lost World double-trailer set was like, the best birthday ever. Still have it.


awww amazing!! You need to share a pic of the Jurassic park toys! I had a ton from the original movie lol my mum hated the big T rex I had lol when I would come back from school it would always be turned around facing the wall because she said she felt like it was watching her haha

Horror and Cats's avatar

Haha I was actually just playing around with it a month or two ago and my puppy ran off with the rubber connector thing, so I put it away for its own safety.

When I do it, I’ll tag you in a post I was planning where I put it back together and make a discussion asking folks to share their favorite movie toys haha.

Makster's avatar

Absolutely - whenever my parents brought back an Argos catalogue when they went into town I was straight to the back pages to see the toys and games. I did it so often that I honestly thought it read from right to left

Retro Stu's avatar

So the Argos catalogue was actually the inspiration for my podcast when I was running it!

I'd been listening to a lot of the Off Menu podcast (where if you haven't heard it they pick their favourite ever starter, main course, side dish, dessert and drink) and I wanted to talk about how the Argos catalogue was so much fun to go through as a kid but couldn't decide how to do an entire podcast on it.

So instead I hit on the idea of my guest picking a year and then picking one movie, video game, tv show, animated show and toy from whatever year we went back to! We'd talk about their honourable mentions for each category before revealing what their choice was!

All of this inspired by the casual flipping through of the Argos and Index catalogues as a kid!


dude I love this idea!! 💡 what’s your podcast fire over a link!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me it was "Index" & "ToysRus" Although saying this, my kids do love the Smyths catalogue we get for them two months before Xmas to let them pick out their Christmas gifts.

I do remember getting my N64 and thinking "yeh, I'm uber cool now"


aww I’m so glad to hear there is some form of catalogue about still for kids to check out!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Yeh they love it, it's just like the old ones for them. Quite a big one as well.

Paul's avatar

I used to spend hours going through the Argos catalogue circling things I wanted. It got to the point my mum would get me my own one so I could scribble in it all I wanted then shed just have a look through when it came to birthdays or Christmas 😁

Sturmer's avatar

I developed a unique hobby as a child (4-6 yo)! Somehow, I got my hands on a hefty Cabela's hunting catalog – a 500-page treasure trove of everything related to the outdoors, hunting, and fishing. It featured an array of items, from clothing and knives to firearms and camping gear. My friends and I created a little game where we'd flip to a random page and each choose our favorite item. It's funny to think about it now, but this game unknowingly taught me the art of compromise and negotiation. We would barter over our choices, like agreeing that I could have my favorite machete if I didn’t dispute their selection of a combat shotgun later. Ah, the memories!


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