Saw a quite heated discussion on Xitter, but the topic is quite interesting so I thought I would ask what you guys think about it. Are games too long these days? Since the release of FFVII Rebirth I've seen many people complaining that they don't want to put over 100 hours into a game, it's too much open-world and they want 8-10 hours games with linear gameplay and story. Someone mentioned there are plenty of amazing indie games like that, but people then complained they want AAA studios to make games like these.
So what do you think? Do you prefer shorter games or want to get the most for your money with as much extra content as possible?
I think MMO players like myself are used to playing the same game for years, and as long as there is content we are happy. But it feels like there is a generation now who wants everything fast. Fast food, fast lane, fast checkout and fast games by the looks of it. I don't know, I would be disappointed if I spent £40 on a game and could finish it in a day. Hells I even put more hours than that into a free mobile game I'm playing. Is this because people have shorter attention spawn these days and can't focus on a story which goes on for longer?
Anyway I find it quite strange that people would complain about the FFVII Remake series that they are too long. The original FFVII was 3 discs!!! It IS a long game, and I for one definitely enjoy the beautiful graphics, extended story and all the areas to explore. This is most of the reason why you haven't seen many FFVII posts from me yet, because I'm still only at Chapter 4, the second big open area and spend and awful lot of time exploring and in photo mode.
So, how do you like your games? Short or long?
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