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Video Games

Video Games
Ford James's avatar

The Witcher 3 is the game that initially comes to mind for me because I stand by it being the best game of all time, but in the theme of the moment, I'd actually have to say Fallout New Vegas.

Fallout 3 took me a couple of attempts to properly get into when I was younger, but FNV had me hooked from the start so I'd love to experience it all again. Especially that intro in Goodsprings and the fight with the Powder Gangers, because even though it's a minor quest in the grand scheme of things, it was a brilliant introduction to just how many options you have at any given opportunity.

(Also Spec Ops: The Line because of, well, that moment.)

MargotCandy's avatar

I am yet to play Fallout NV. I just recently bought it. You made me even more excited to play it!

Ford James's avatar

You're in for a hell of a time! Some of the best dialogue and exploration gaming has ever seen.


Nice! I am just getting into Fallout 4 myself as I was never gave them a go previously (apart from Shelter lol) !

Oh is Spec Ops the Line the one that was recently removed from digital storefronts and there was an uproar due to the lack of preservation? I think it got removed from console store fronts or something? maybe im wrong

Ford James's avatar

Fallout 4 is excellent too - more of an open-world FPS game than a full RPG, but still fantastic, and it has the best combat in the series.

Yeah, that's the one, which is a crying shame. It's portrayed as a bog-standard third-person shooter but then things happen in the story and it ends up being far, far more than that. Strongly recommend playing it if you can pick up a second-hand copy!


I just started Fallout 4, then deleted my save info as I saw the next gen update is coming at the end of April so I will jump back in then!

Aww nice I will try and get a copy if i can!

Makster's avatar

I did it recently for Spec Ops. That's one thing the internet has ruined for me is these games with interesting mechanics that subvert expectations or have a twist.

Like Bioshock and

MargotCandy's avatar

Interesting question. I have three as they have shaped my gaming and my gaming interest over the years. :)

  1. Ecco the dolphin on the mega drive

  2. Pokemon red

  3. Horizon Zero Dawn

Bit of a weird mix, but these had me hooked and got me excited about gaming.


DAMN! I gotta give you props as Ecco the dolphin was one of the toughest games EVER lol nice! But if we had to twist your arm to pick just one would it be Ecco?

Also Yeah Horizon is a masterpiece!

MargotCandy's avatar

yeah a friend and I would swap playing whenever the other died. Eventually we completed it. We spent many weekends only playing the game together. Haha.

Because of those memories I would probably say Ecco. That friend also introduced me to the mega drive in general, so I can credit her with introducing me to console gaming.

Makster's avatar

It'd be Persona 3 - I played it at just the right time IMO - (just leaving high school and entering college), so the themes explored in the game of being in high school, making connections, and then leaving them felt really apropo. Getting to experience it again blind would be wonderful with the remake Persona 3 Reload (and it'd be even better if I were 18 again haha).

MGS is also a hard agree. I think I played that just as I was turning to a teenager so ditching the Mario and Kirbys for Metroid and Zelda. MGS definitely was a great step into maturity and the style it had really drew me in. The voice actors really did a lot of heavy lifting drawing you into those long codec calls and transforming those blocky pixelated faces into dramatic and intense scenes. I still get shivers at post-credits cutscene

Thomas's avatar

Definitely Dark Souls, although if I forgot the game I'd also need to play through it with a friend again to stop me from giving up! I don't think I've had a game ever really sink its teeth into me and change the way I think about games as much as Dark Souls did.

Sturmer's avatar

I was considering games like Fallout 2, Zelda, and WoW... but then I realized, why would I want to erase memories that bring such warmth to my heart? So my answer is none—I wouldn't want my memories erased.

Martin's avatar

Difficult to choose...

  • Final Fantasy 10

  • Fallout 3 - although I have done two full play throughs

  • Witcher 3 - found the ending really easy though, probably because I did the DLC before completing the main story

  • Elder Scrolls - Oblivion, Skyrim and ESO (online)


For me it would be Fallout and Bioshock. Both amazing games.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I think Bloodborne. The nature of those Fromsoft games is REALLY good at making everything stick in your mind just through repetition and even though I’ve only played it through once, I feel I know it like the back of my hand. I’d love to go back and experience it again for the first time.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Honestly? Command & Conquer so I could enjoy the whole series all over again!


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