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Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I was called to a friend's house to try out this "new building game" - So I grabbed my laptop and went down. When I got there I was introduced to Minecraft, I was not impressed, ill be honest, I thought this was a kid's game.

Two weeks later, I was hooked nonstop playing and then introduced to the first modded pack called "Tekkit". Add this to normal Minecraft, I was so hooked it was a joke, I stopped playing Eve, I stopped playing C&C, I was on Minecraft all the time, my wife started playing (we only had 1 child at the time) and I owe a lot of my relationship closeness to this game because for around 2 years after we put the little lad to bed we would sit and play together for hours.

CelestialFlea's avatar

Ah well this one has a rather funny story attached to it. As a 30 something year old, I had no previous interest in Mincecraft until EveOnlineTutorials convinced me to join his heavily modded server and try it out. Was a little daunting at first but I managed to get the hang of it and had built a, somewhat presentable house. Buuuut it wasn't presentable for very long.

Both he and TheGreatestBanana12 thought it would be hilarious to fill the whole damn place with sheep. This was the result (quality isn't the best, was on an older gpu);

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

That was soooooooooo funny xD You were so mad... Totally worth it :P

Ford James's avatar

Harmless pranks in Minecraft are just incredible. And hey, free source of wool for decoration (and by the looks of it, leather for enchanted books too)!

Sturmer's avatar

After chatting with my wife, we pieced together how it all started. One evening, I passed by her workplace and noticed a new game. When I asked about it, she introduced me to Minecraft and suggested I give it a try. Thirteen years later, we’re still playing it occasionally. Now, my kids are into it too, and I even run our own server in docker on a NAS.

Letitia Lemon's avatar

So, my story with Minecraft is an interesting one. I'd heard of Minecraft in the early 2010's by various people mentioning it on social media, maybe with the occasional screenshot as well but all I really knew about it was it was a blocky game. I didn't know the depths of the creative building (albeit much less than nowadays) and I didn't know any of the lore at all. But one day, when randomly surfing Youtube for something to watch, a channel that I'd recently been watching a few of their videos of popped up with a Minecraft video and that channel was Achievement Hunter. I'd only discovered their hilarious content a couple of weeks before that and had been watching some of their series so, of course, more and more of their videos were appearing in my recommended. I saw a Minecraft video and decided that it was FINALLY time for me to see what it looks like to actually play this game. By this time, Achievement Hunter had made a fair number of Minecraft videos- roughly about 80 (they go on to make approximately 500 videos of Minecraft in total) so I had some content to binge. I'd already loved the team's chemistry and comedic delivery but their Minecraft series quickly became one of my favourites with their various gameshow-esque ideas and each week competing for The Tower of Pimps (IYKYK) to be placed like a trophy outside of their house. It felt very Survivor or I'm a Celeb in those weeks. Then sometimes they would do more chill build episodes to expand their city and its lore. The creativity and fun they had then inspired me to get the game and play it with my friends... although we never quite got to their level of inventiveness. And while Achievement Hunter may no longer be around, they left their mark on the internet and in certain games like Minecraft.

Fun fact 1: Achievement Hunter cast member Jeremy Dooley also wrote a song about the Tower of Pimps (and it's a banger!)

Fun fact 2: The Tower of Pimps did appear as an Easter Egg in one of the tutorial builds for Minecraft... as well as there being many other references to AH content scattered about the internet and in other games too.

avrona's avatar

I was really dismissive of Minecraft at first, from the little snippets of I saw, be it some images online, just overhearing conversations at school, or seeing some counterfeit merch out in the wild. The game was unavoidable even in the early 2010s and even someone as isolated as me. The game just seemed too cheap-looking and too silly to be taken seriously. I guess I had some very high standards at that age or something.

Finally, a cousin of mine sat me down and got me to play it on his laptop. And after he explained the basics, I found it fairly fun. I loved strategy games at the time, city builders, The Sims, etc., so Minecraft just seemed like a natural extension of that, I just needed that push over the edge. Soon after that, while I was at EGX 2013, I picked up my very own copy of Minecraft for Xbox 360. And then I had to buy another copy, because in my excitement to play it when I got back home I dropped the console with the disc in it, damaging it.


I first played Minecraft as a build on TigSource Forums in 2010. It was posted by Notch, and as I was playing through a bunch of the indie games shared there, I downloaded the janky build and started playing. I cannot believe how much it has really blown up since.

mar1gold 's avatar

My friends would play the demo mc on phones (where there was like.... 4 blocks) and I thought it was so fun! And then that year for christmas I got a Kindle Fire, and I BEGGED my dad for the full version (when it was 4.99 heheh). I gave him some of my pocket money to pay for it and then I played the game for like 3 days straight hehehe


I sat at my computer, browsing youtube for something to watch. I clicked something i think was Minecraft Survival Guide . I then went down a rabbit hole of lord of the rings builds and recreations of harry potter and so on.

I I was apprehensive because of the low quality graphics. But i got the game and really , it was relaxing like playing with lego. and the things i intially didnt think would be good didnt matter at all.

I dug my first dirt block and It felt oddly satisfying. I was hooked.

BeyondBelief's avatar

I think like a lot of people we're constantly watching content of people playing games on the internet and mine was the same. For the last 14 years I've been watching the Yogscast and that was the first time that I really got into the game. Some massively iconic Minecraft series from the Yogscast over the years with them inviting so many guests, taking on so many different modpacks, and having unique personalities take part in the series it was always a great way. I still watch them to do this day and still play Minecraft!

Ford James's avatar

Long live Shadow of Israphel!


I discovered Minecraft back in the day because my brothers were just absolutely addicted to playing some games I thought had terrible graphics! I didn’t understand it, we all used to play runescape together as a 3 but now them 2 were constantly online on some server building houses and bases and fighting off monsters in the night time. I wish I had the creativity to get into it as it seems like so much fun but I’ve always been terrible with games that leave me to my imagination where I have to build things

Sturmer's avatar

Oh, 13 years passed, time to dig out some screenshots from the vault!

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I started playing a Minecraft back in 2012 when a friend introduced me to it, I hadan older pc at the time that didn't even run Minecraft properly so I got a new pc so I could play it and I immediately got hooked and when I wasn't playing Minecraft I was watching others play it on YouTube.


i found a youtuber called the syndicate project and he was just a small time content creator and he inspired me to buy the game and start making youtube videos ( not that i knew how still dont XD) still play it to this day


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