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Video Games

Video Games
Martin's avatar

For me and this is going back a fair bit...

My gaming group was a core of 5 people (including myself). We all had the latest computer of the time (ZX Spectrum, Amiga, etc) and when we did have a gaming meet one house was full of tech (internet didn't really exist). We also had a DM in the group and played a lot of Advances DnD. Once we left college and everyone went off the University it all ended.

I'm now almost 50 will never leave my gaming behind. It is no longer a thing just for children, gaming is for everyone. It's just a lot harder to find people your own age to game with...

Konquest's avatar

Agreed. The feeling will never be the same, you can find online friends to play with but no guarantee that it will click every time. I never really played DnD I watch some matches but because no one really plays in where I’m from I never had the chance. A really do admire people who do play because I’m envious I never got the chance. If I were to start now I wouldn’t even know how 😅

Thomas's avatar

I don't tend to play multiplayer games online anymore, but I do still arrange evenings with friends to play Smash Bros together, on the couch.

Beyond videogames, I have a friend who's very passionate about tabletop RPGs and he's DM'd a bunch for us. Currently we're playing one called Delta Green, which is effectively a mix of X-Files and Twin Peaks, it's awesome. We try to play once a week.

I also play poker with friends every few months or so

Konquest's avatar

Poker is always awesome! Table top games aren't really a popular culture where I'm from. I do have them as a kid as I was brought up around western culture but didn't really have anyone to play with :(

Horror and Cats's avatar

My dude and I were all about the co-op games back in the day. Timesplitters 2, Star Wars Battlefront, MK Shaolin Monks, the list goes on. We learned really early that neither of us were gracious losers, so competitive games were a no go lol.

Konquest's avatar

I get that, I have the same experience but I do envy people who play in clans on online games. It's the experience I kinda always wanted but never really got :P

Sturmer's avatar

As all adults have many responsibilities like partner, kids, jobs, parents, house, car etc, its really hard to match that precious 1-2 hours, so mostly we all play separately.

Konquest's avatar

I agree, most of my friends have the same reasons. I consider myself lucky to have the most time to play games but then again I work freelance and small business so I have time to feed my gaming and content creation.


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