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Video Games

Video Games
Nicole's avatar

Ooh, an excellent question - particular as I also spend a lot of time in The Sims 4, Stardew Valley and GTA V!

Since I was a kid, I have loved Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon and they still never cease to bring me joy (and occasional rage). I also discovered Bioshock far too late but its absolutely brilliant and my favourite game is The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (no need to have played the previous two). It really raised the bar for open RPGs.

Its probably that which led me onto Assassin's Creed starting with Odyssey set in Ancient Greece - I know original Assassin's Creed fans aren't always as big fans of the later ones like Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla but the graphics are beautiful and they are really fun for RPG fans.

Rich's avatar

Fun question! It so happens I'm playing Final Fantasy VIII Remastered right now, which is probably my sixth or seventh overall playthrough of that game in some form, and my adult self is appreciating all sorts of things about it that my teen self missed. But both of us agree that it's amazing; one of the best RPGs ever, and criminally underrated within the Final Fantasy series because it was so different from the beloved FFVII and the more traditional FFIX. They're both great too, but I think VIII might be... better?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

FFVIII would be a really nice start into the classic-looking Final Fantasy. We need a proper remake of that game so more people would play it, I agree it's seriously underrated.


ohhh this is a great and tough question! I’d say any of the 3d super Mario games! Metal gear solid games! (Apart from MGS survive!) 2d Mario games are also incredible in currently playing the new super mario wonder and it is something special, well worth a go!

On Pc I’d give the command and conquer games a go as they are legendary real time strategy games!

ThomasBlackflame's avatar

It is an excellent question. Like, there are so many great games out there:

Portal and Portal 2, for example. Innovative games with an awesome story. Then we have Crash Bandicoot, that rascal is always up to something. I feel like those are some classics that everyone must play at least once. The others, well, it depends on your taste. Quite old and quite rare but always got a spot for me is PS2's Drakan: The Ancient's Gate. Medieval Fantasy RPG with a badass heroine and a great dragon.

Thomas's avatar

Going from easiest to hardest to control/play these are all games that I love and think everyone should play:

  1. Animal Crossing New Horizons - cute life sim where you make friends with animals and try to earn enough money to pay off your crippling debt

  2. Disco Elysium - Sad noir RPG where you play an alcoholic cop trying to solve a murder case in a dying town

  3. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Strategy role-playing game where you train a bunch of students and bring them into a three nation war

  4. Persona 5 Royal - JRPG where you play a bunch of high school kids that break into the minds of terrible people to get them to confess to their crimes

  5. Portal 2 - Space-bending first person platformer/puzzle game with a potato

  6. Sonic Mania - Sonic, but really really good

  7. Hotline Miami/Hotline Miami 2 - Ultra-violent top-down shooter with a druggy 80s aesthetic taken wholesale from the movie, Drive

  8. Dark Souls/Elden Ring - challenging fantasy RPGs where you traverse an expansive but dying worlds and fight big horrible bosses

Paul's avatar

The original Pokemon games are classics so I have to suggest them but they can be difficult to get however the remakes on the Game boy advance are easier to pick up. Fable 1 and 2 are great fairytale-like adventure games with an adult spin, they can be played on the xbox 360. There are so many more but il just stick to those for now. Have fun with the list of great games you are going to have!

Sturmer's avatar

to start of, which platforms are available to you?

MargotCandy's avatar

Great minds. I was going to ask the same question. :D

Horror and Cats's avatar

Resident Evil 4 (2005). Basically no matter what systems you have, you have access to it and it is a full on banger.

girlofgotham's avatar

I would agree with earlier comments mentioning Crash Bandicoot. The old ones have had a remaster lately so they're easy to pick up! Same goes for the Bioshock series.

And while not an older classic, I really liked all the Life is Strange games. They've got great soundtracks too and if you liked the choices matter nature of Detroit, Life is Strange is good for that too (not quite as detailed but I really liked the vibes)

Roo's avatar

100% agree with girlofgotham . Any of the classics that have been remastered for new consoles tend to be super playable. Super Mario 3D All-Stars would be a good example. Halo's Master Chief Collection. Bioshock as well. Generally, if someone is going to the expense to remaster something, it must've been a super playable game to start with


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