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Video Games
TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

@EveOnlineTutorials always manages to get himself into some sort of trouble on this occasion it was very early in the campaign, we still in the tavern we were starting off in and in his haste to try prevent the barkeep from alerting the town guards of his presence (he was wanted) he rolled a nat 1 so slipped up on spilt ale and ended up hitting his head and knocked himself out.

it's just one of his misfortunes that was funny so I probably won't forget it anytime soon

Paul's avatar

Not sure if this counts as its from a channel on YouTube call Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra

The oxventurers guild as they are known, came to a village that is falling appart and in need of repair. They eventually come accross a tomb and find a cursed hammer . Once they decide who will own said hammer they find it can conjure a huge group of skeletons that were previously tradesmen.

So they get started on the village by making the skeletons build a tavern and indoing so they rip down an orphanage to use the materials (monkeys paw syle curse).

They start clocking on to it but in a moment of confusion the hammer owner just says "I want you to build an orphanage".

And they do, a great one, with a rec room, pool table etc but the dm mentions the use of an odd red morter...

The chaotic good aligned bard hammer owner askes the skeletons nervously if they used orphans to which the Immortal words were said...

"Its orphans boss"

They had build a great orphanage but had....processed the intended inhabitants into building morter.

This has been a constant running joke for 7 year that the life loving, upbeat bard has the highest body count purely because of this incident.

They also had to return to the village years later where they found it fortified with the parties mug shots on wanted posteres everywhere.

Heres a link if you would like to witness it for yourself.


My favourite D&D memory is a weird one considering it's watching other people play, TV Characters!

In the bing bang theory howard leonard sheldon and raj play dungeons and dragons and I love how immersed they got into the game, I believe one of their dungeons they were exploring had a boss which was defending the loot. It was Santa Claus, however when Sheldon was playing the game normally he went on an absolute spiral which nobody was expecting to hear! The spiral involved violently attacking Santa Claus in D&D and doing everything he could to hurt him. It was interesting to see the character get so immersively involved and lose his emotions in the game

The frustration stems from Sheldon losing his grandmother as a child and asking Santa for his mother back for Xmas, which obviously he never got. It really opened some very good dialogue for further character development, all stemming from Dungeons & Dragons!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

It was my first D&D session, apart from the DM we were all newbies so had no idea how most of the abilities worked. When we met a bunch of bandits just outside of a bar, one of the players said "I'm skilled in bar fight.... I would drag them into the bar and give them a proper beating there."

There was silence, then laughter, then them DM said "fine... anyone put any points on bondage?"

Our rouge did... but no one had any rope... so we had to beat the bandits up outside the bar :D


Its essentially the same game but thoughout the whole pandemic a group of us played Star Wars roleplaying game called edge of the empire. It shares almost the exact same rulesset as d and d but ith slightly different mechanics. And if your thinking its a much simpler game and les lore than regular d and d then you are wrong.

What made it so special is that is kept us all sane throughout the pandemic and we were able to play an intricate campaign that lasted years. and it dint matter that we couldnt meetin person which meant we were able to play on week night over zoom. it also allowed us to make use of media such as maps and videos and music.

i would very much like to play this game again.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice! D&D got me through the pandemic too, for the same reasons. It was more or less the first time I'd played, but I'm now confident that it's a forever hobby.

Sturmer's avatar

It was around 2001, and we were deep into LARPing during the summer and playing tabletop RPGs, including D&D, in the winter. Since our group was spread out, we agreed to meet in the city center as it was the most convenient location for everyone. However, every café or pub we tried ended up kicking us out, either because we were underage or because the staff mistook our dice games for gambling.

But then we discovered an obscure pub in a basement, with no windows, lots of dark corners, and few other patrons apart from some locals. It was the perfect setting for our adventures. The owner didn’t mind our presence as long as we ordered tea or something else. We quickly became regulars, gathering at least once a week after school to hide in the darkness and roll our dice of destiny.

One day, a lady noticed us and started complaining, thinking we were cultists or something similar. We decided to explain the game to her, and for the next few months, she stuck with us, watching our game sessions. She became our trustful audience, and looking back, I view that event as my first attempt at being a content creator.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I was reading this +5 Years ago maybe more. Some DM was asking for advice for very strange situations and how he could handle it better. This one response is still in my mind.

The Setup:

Party is crossing a snowy & windy mountain. The Dwarf had much trouble in this icy condition. So he slipped and fell off the cliff.

DM: What do you do now? The Dwarf: Never saw a flying Dwarf? -> I will start flapping my arms like a hummingbird. DM: Go roll for it…

Dwarf: NAT20

DM: You have 2 arms, another roll please… Dwarf: NAT20 DM  Muffles, (Sometimes the fuck me up)


The Party recognized the falling Dwarf, but were unable to interrupt the event. Panic grows in the rest of the party, did they just lost their Tank? But they couldn't believe their eyes as they saw a dwarfhead appearing on the cliff of the mountain.

Slowly but steady the full head appeared, revealing piece by piece the epic dwarf beard. (What happened next will never be forgotten. )

As the Dwarf slowly appeared, the party recognized that he was flapping his arms so fast like a hummingbird, giving him enough thrust to Fly. The fact which the Dwarf was still in his finest heavy armor makes it even more ridiculous.

Therefore Dwarfs can Fly.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

You can't argue with two nat 20s in a row. You just can't.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So this was one camp back from the current one

We had been in the city and entered the forest and came across dead horses and a burned-out cart with drag marks leading to a cave system.

We chose to follow said tracks, as the place we found said cart, was the place we were supposed to meet out "employer" as it where.

After moving through the cave and smashing goblins around, including me throwing one on a fire because, well I could, we came across a vaulted room, with a pillar in the middle and a "mysterious water on the floor" now my DM is my IRL best mate and knows how to push my buttons, so me being me, used perception and discovered a "giant spider" in the corner.

Fire Mage, I started hurling fireballs, little did I know, the mysterious "liquid" on the floor, was in fact oil, I killed everyone :(

Needless to say I found this hilariously funny :) They did not however

FaithChaos's avatar

I haven't played much D&D, but my favourite memory is watching my mum and her friends playing and being invited to play too.

I would have been around 9 or 10 I think, and the feeling of finally being able to join in with something I had been watching them all play for years was so good!

I don't remember much about what transpired but I do remember enjoying myself.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is lovely. I can't wait until my niece and nephew are old enough to play!


IN our very first session my rogue stole a bag of curry.

Then 3 years of games every two weeks goes by and I just know I'll get somthing good out of this random culinary addition. Then the GM strands us in a city where everything is dull, including the food. BAM! Bag of curry! Instant friendships!

In the city of no spices the one with a bag of curry is king.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey, it's not for nothing that saffron used to be worth more than its weight in gold. Long live spices and seemingly mundane items that save the day three years down the line!


I has a group that played largely published modules, and we tackled the behemoth that is Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Now our group was only what I could call some slapstick idiots and one very grumpy, long-suffering cleric.

The campaign had been a romp full of chaos, intentionally setting off traps, and using my swashbuckler's frankly unfair persuasion score to get out of most encounters with anything remotely intelligent. I even swan dived into a portal to the Astral Sea for funsies that lead to a couple of weeks off-book to get us back on track.

But floor 14 ... floor 14 with the Weapon of Mass Disintegration. We'd found all the keys while clearing the floor and we pretty beat up from the encounters. The Magic Mouth starting the countdown delighted most of us - we were chaos gremlins after all, and whatever happened was going to be great!

Boy, were we lucky to have our cleric - a man who had the foresight to choose Life Domain and take a few levels of sorcerer. As the rest of us laughed with glee and anticipation, he ran around the room twin casting death ward on us.

That surly little cleric was literally the only thing that kept us from a TPK in that moment. Of course the only thanks we could offer him was letting him carry the control rod for the death slaad we kidnapped along the way.

taha's avatar

One of the most chaotic moments I've ever seen in a campaign was when I was doing Spelljammer with a few friends and we got to a point where we were on a spaceship travelling through space when suddenly, we were attacked by space monkeys. Naturally, they boarded the ship and attacked us but some of them also did damage to the ship, to the point where some areas of the ship caught fire. However, instead of doing the logical thing and use magic to extinguish the fire with water or ice, one of us decided to use their pee to extinguish the flames and so rolled for "pee proficiency". They got a 20 on their roll and so it worked incredibly well! And then everyone else started doing the same and it stopped the fires completely! I don't remember how that worked with my character being a warforged druid but it was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen in a D&D campaign... 😭🤣

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I absolutely love those nat 20s that come at just the right moments. I was playing a Christmas-themed one-shot set in Santa's workshop (read: workhouse). It fell upon my monosyllabic barbarian bugbear to cause a distraction in an exotic dance establishment, so I rose to the stage and danced my heart out. I even broke character to say 'Now of all times, let me roll a Nat20 on this performance check' and I got one. What followed was deeply moving interpretative dance which expressed in pirouette and plié what he could never express through words. The patrons were moved to tears and many gave up their nefarious deeds on the spot.

Martin's avatar

This takes me back to when I was a kid in the 80s. We played Advanced DnD back then. It didn’t have a lot of the rules as the later versions and most of our games were based around combat.

We’d been doing quite well. Our characters where quite powerful (I think this may be why things went the way they did).

One thing led to another, and we ended up at the top of a mountain facing off against a Red Dragon. Of cause we all thought we’d be able to take it down easily being the cocky adventurers as we were.

After that the only thing I can remember is our characters running in terror as the dragon picked us off one at a time.

It still sticks in my memory although it was over 35 years ago.

We started a new campaign the next meeting.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Classic! Arrogance has almost killed our current party more times than I can count (no thanks to my current tabaxi rogue-warlock hybrid El Gato Magnifico). I think if our DM was less forgiving, we'd have all been dragon fodder a long time ago.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha! We might have to run a D&D meme bounty! My social media algorithms have worked out that they're all I want, and there are some fantastic ones!

Paul's avatar

So glad I realised I hadn't submitted the bounty properly, just 30 minutes before it closed 😳


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