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Video Games
Paul's avatar

There are many memorable moments I could choose from, as the saying goes, dice tell stories. However I have one from just the other week that still stings 😅.

We were playing 2 v 2 Age of sigma. I used my Giants and my team mate used dwarfs (in the airboat things).

The first thing my team"mate" did was move up and block my movement, leaving me little room to choose where to go and how to charge.

Once I was in combat with all the wrong enemy (I was aiming for the big things but was funneled towards the rabble) said "mate" then retreats back to our lines and dispite having all the shooting abilities, does nothing...literally nothing for over an hour, he just sits on his phone. This leaves me to fight two whole armys alone.

Needless to say my big stompy boys fell at the claws of dragons and lizards then my former ally fell hiding in his ballons after discovering he can indeed shoot and attack. My opponents felt so sorry for me lol.

Here you have how it started:

This was after the betrayal:

Dont worry, we are still friends 🤣

Rich's avatar

Oof, that's painful - was it one of his first games?

Paul's avatar

No lol hes been to two tournaments 🤣

Rich's avatar

Love the paint job on your mega-gargant!

TJ_Paints_And_Games's avatar

Oh there's been plenty. Big campaign weekends at Warhammer World. A huge battle across multiple tables at one of the Battle Bunkers, and putting boards out across the shopping centre floor with people bringing all their super heavies and flyers.

I have to say it's probably got to be at Games Workshop Manchester, WAY back in the day, they made (and still make) some crazy gaming boards. We've killed a couple of homemade Titans, one got brought down by a hunter killer missile from my mates Vindicator!

In this case it was a Skaven moon cannon, they wanted to blow up the moon because they thought it was full of warpstone! The final game, after weeks of disrupting supply lines and trying to halt construction, lasted an entire weekend, and was full of treachery, double deals, quite a lot of Empire Steam Tanks and various Dragons.

I do believe the Skaven won in the end, but only partially! I think it was something like they managed to get it to fire but only blew a chunk off the moon.

Rich's avatar

That's an amazing piece of terrain and such a cool idea for a scenario. What army were you using? How'd the games go?

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

I would have to say mine, was in Games Workshop, In Salisbury (the City I live in) - We played The Battle Of Yavin over a 4-day period.

We had on the second day around 30 people stood watching, we spent hours there during the day just painting models from our various armies. Also using massive aircraft models was sick as well, I did not paint those, the shop owned them :P

Was a long time ago but thats about all I remember about it.

Sturmer's avatar

My most memorable Warhammer moment was actually a disaster! It happened at our local geek club, where we used to play MTG, Spellfire, and Warhammer. We had these white plastic outdoor tables, and one day someone accidentally hit a table leg and broke it. The table collapsed, pulling down the heavy plywood board we used for terrain, and all the miniatures ended up on the floor. Luckily, no one and nothing got damaged, except for our game session, which ended in a tie due to the accident.


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