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Video Games

Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Literally, the three you listed, Minesweeper and Solitare, then my earliest actual PC game (I owned) was Unreal Tournament (Original version).

Nicole's avatar

Definitely got my dad’s laptop confiscated (from me by him) for stealing it too often to play Doom 😂

Makster's avatar

How many WAD files did he find haha

Makster's avatar

Super Mario Sunshine for Gamecube always conjure up memories of warm summer holidays even in the UK. That and Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town on GBA was like my summer camp to revisit old friends and somewhat familiar locations. And of course, the classic summer romance

Roo's avatar

💯 I have strong memories of 100%-ing SMS in the back room of our student house over the sunny summer of 2008 instead of going outside or doing anything a respectable 19-year-old should have been doing 😂

Horror and Cats's avatar

Wolfenstein 3D and the original Prince of Persia are the earliest things I played in a serious fashion.

Later I was super into the Novalogic military sims like F-16, the Delta Force series, and the Comanche series.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Secret of Mana on the SNES and later Diablo 2 via modem. Should a 15 year old play D2, yes ofc very good grind :P

Paul's avatar

The main games i always come back to are the clasic style pokemon games, in fact im playing through a fan made GBA remake of gold atm.

Iv said before that pokemon blue/ red was the game that got me in to rpg games and gaming magazines etc and I often feel pulled back to them every now and again.

I also love going back to mario 64 and the clasic mario and sonic 2d platformers.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Age of Empires II - Age of Kings was my first big one on PC! I did also have a Super Nintendo though and Donkey Kong Country and 007 Goldeneye are two that I have memory playing.

I dont really like going back to games for the nostalgia though because the couple of times that I have, I've been a little disappointed. I am a big fan of the current trend if remastering though.

Makster's avatar

Agree - too many sleepovers were occupied by GoldenEye and accusations of screen watching. Perfect Dark was also a great expansion of this

Thomas's avatar

The ones that really stand out to me, that I have the fondest memories of are the Game Gear and Mega Drive Sonic games, the Mega Drive version of Theme Park, PaRappa the Rapper, Streets of Rage, Sonic Adventure, and Civilization II for PC.

They're all games I remember super fondly, and with the possible exception of Theme Park (which I later found out had a MUCH better PC version), I think they all hold up when played today.

Martin's avatar

Going back a few years here, there are so many, just a couple off the top of my head...

ZX Spectrum:


Alp's avatar

The first game I remember playing is Rescue Rover

It was recently republished by Ziggurat.

It's a top-down puzzle game where you have to rescue your dog (Rover) from alien robots that have cunningly hidden him behind a series of impenetrable deadly-laser-mazes. Well... they would be impenetrable if it weren't for the conveniently placed angled mirrors that diffract the deadly lasers (foolish robots).

I think I only ever completed it once.

Roo's avatar

Halo, Halo and more Halo 😂

I remember occasionally playing Tetris on my Nan's 1989 Game Boy, Road Rash on my cousin's second-hand Mega Drive, or even Kirby's Dream Land on my uncle's Game Boy Colour. My first console was an N64 and I got my fair share of use out of a Goldeneye cartridge and Diddy Kong Racing but my full-time FPS addiction really kicked in with Halo 1 and my first Xbox - once they released the 'S' controller of course. The OG Xbox controller was way too big for my 10-year old hands 🙌

Georgina_Herdman's avatar

Simpsons Hit & Run was the game I played most as a child- mainly because it was like playing GTA without the age rating that would freak my mum out 😁

Nicole's avatar

How good was Simpsons Hit and Run though?!

Georgina_Herdman's avatar

I wish they would bring it out again for modern consoles (even if it’s the Switch) kids today don’t know the joy


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