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Video Games

Video Games
Limal's avatar

Don't, play something else and get Hades 2 for 15 on black friday. its not MMO, it does not matter when do you start :p

Horror and Cats's avatar

Staying hydrated is very important and we all tend to neglect the need.

Introducing Hades II: keeping you so thirsty you basically HAVE to keep drinking.

tinny_three's avatar

Hades looks incredible, feels incredible, and you get many many hours of enjoyment from it that goes beyond a normal hack-n-slash roguelike.

Its early, mid, and end games are perfectly balanced.

Initially challenging (but rewarding) gameplay gives way to an excellently compelling story and challenge arc which is eventually replaced with an excellent take on replayability that gives you interesting mutators to contend with.

The first time I beat the final boss in Hades was one of the greatest moments I've ever experienced in gaming.

If you like video games and haven't played Hades, you will probably like Hades.

Hades II I'll pick up at full launch, simply because I want to experience the full story and gameplay loop in one go (and I'm time poor).

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'm interested but don't have the time for another game now. So will see what people say about it and then probably pick it up at full launch.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I shall be watching this thread, most closely!


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