Warhammer players will know what we mean by 'centrepiece' models. These are the biggest, most expensive, and often most powerful units in your army, represented by eye-catching single models like Age of Sigmar's new dragons, Necron Monoliths or Space Marine tanks, or Archaon on his silly three-headed flying... thing.
We want you to design a new centrepiece model for a faction of your choice in any of the Warhammer tabletop games - 40k, AoS, The Old World, and so on. Include lots of written or video description of the basic concept, how it looks, and what it can do, but pictures are super helpful if you can find or make suitable ones. If you do include pictures, you must tell us where you got them from, especially if they're AI-generated or if you got them from a third-party creator.
The best seven submissions get $4 apiece! Wondering what the deal is with these IP-specific bounties? Click here.
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$8 / 28
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