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Video Games

Video Games
Horror and Cats's avatar

Keep it’s scary, Silent Hill and The Sixth Sense.

Though I’d pick Dino Crisis over Silent hill if it was in there haha

Philip's avatar

Worms and Matrix 😊

Paul's avatar

Got to be Worms and the Matrix!

Makster's avatar

Gonna go cultured but edgy so Shenmue and Fight Club

CelestialFlea's avatar

Worms Armageddon (The worms voices are just too much fun, especially for the time there was a lot of variety) & The Matrix. Throw in some pizza and some junk food for snacks easy dub

Sturmer's avatar

Worms hotseat was epic! Party raw emotions generator

Thomas's avatar

Gonna have to go with Tony Hawk's and The Blair Witch Project.

Was actually just talking about The Blair Witch Project with a friend last night. A few years ago a few of us were watching it at his flat and we were all sat silently. Someone outside slammed their car door shut and we all lept out of our skin

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me

Tony Hawks - Mostly because I used to play that on the N64 if memory serves The Mummy - It was essentially one of the best films I had seen at the time


MargotCandy's avatar

oh the 90s.

Tony Hawk pro skater and Figth Club for me. Although Matrix is a close second.

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