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Kings Court's avatar

Oh I AM ON THIS !!! be right back !!

Paul's avatar


Sauro - Sauropod, the group of large dinosaur with long necks, wide body and whiplike tail.

Ville - Scoville scale, the unit of measurement for chilli heat

Horror and Cats's avatar

Reppin' the sauropods! Pretty slick, dude. I like it!

Paul's avatar

Thanks, I was wondering why it wasn't working.

Horror and Cats's avatar

If you change the “x” in your link to “Twitter” it will embed with the Original banner. JA said in another Bounty they are cracking down and not accepting Bounty entries without it.


Ford James's avatar

Hey Paul, thanks for entering this bounty! Just letting you know that we've unfortunately had to mark this down as a rejection as your entry didn't quite meet the criteria; we were looking for a moveset and details on evolutions if it had any alongside a name and design. However, we appreciate the effort you went to here, so we've credited your account with an additional $5 as thanks. Please make sure to read all the criteria thoroughly next time though!

Paul's avatar

Aw thank you. Yeah I think I got too in to the picture and forgot to sort the other details. Il be sure to meet all the criteria!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Okay... Don't laugh TOO hard. I'm a writer, not an artist.

Meet Drigma.


Dri - from "drill" given its primary traversal method.

Gma - from "magma" given its primary hunting technique.

This burrowing fire Pokemon has fully retractable claws on all four of its legs and short tail. Its unique 360 ball joints mean it can plow through most loose types of ground in any direction.

It has four equidistant eyes on a stubby head, giving it the greatest peripheral vision possible, able to maintain it no matter how it may emerge from the ground. It also has a mandible between the eyes, four in total, which clasp in the center for form a drill-shape for more dynamic subterranean movement.

What makes Drigma extra special are its two very long 360 degree double-jointed arms protruding from its midsection. These arms are designed to be aimed upward from beneath its prey, blasting super heated earth which it gathers and stores while burrowing.

Only the most seismically sensitive of prey will have any forewarning before being engulfed by a sudden geyser of magma.

It can also simply use its arms as magma cannons, though without being able to use the earth-gripping claws on the ends of its arms, the blowback is immense and tends to throw Drigma off balance.

No evolutions because I haven't played Pokemon since Blue on the Gameboy and don't remember how it works lol.

Core Moveset:

  • Slash

  • Tail whip

  • Bite

  • Magma blast

Sturmer's avatar

Afraid to ask, on a concept art, we are looking at the face or thats a rear view? :)

Horror and Cats's avatar

Lmao! That would be the face lol

BeyondBelief's avatar

Pokemon has taken a weird turn in the last few years with bringing out various unusual and unique characters, perhaps less so inspiring too.

The first thing that came to my find was a furnace, I know, super creative.

I'm imaging a furnace shaped Pokemon which can switch on or off depending on how it's feeling, like of like the Hulk when he's angry. When Furnace turns angry smoke starts blowing out the top, he lights up, but for their abilities, he can "spit" out various objects like wooden logs, shoot ash balls, or even shoot a fire bolt.

Kings Court's avatar

This is a creation of a 3 stage Evolution Pokemon, coz me being me, I had to go over board ! Please welcome Onibi, Chisaihi and Kagutsuchi !!

Onibi - Fire / Ghost lost spirit Pokemon, Height : 25cm, Weight : 0 Abilities : Defense up, Flash fire.

Chisaihi - Fire / Fighter Spirit Soldier Pokemon, Height : 105cm, weight : 30Kg Abilities : Flame Sword, Shield bash, Raging Fury

Kagutsuchi - Fire / Steel Fire God Pokemon, Height : 243cm, Weight : 907Kg Abilities : Flame Whip, Fiery Fury (Multi slash), Rising Inferno (build up ATK), Volcano Blast !

Onibi can be found around graveyards and areas where fighters have fallen ! Onibi has a sense for justice and will often involve themselves in situations they have no reason being involved in ! often times scaring not only the individuals they mean to apprehend but also the individuals they are trying to help ! Onibi can only evolve after carrying out acts of heroism and Valour in order to either make up for mistakes in their previous life or to complete acts they left undone in their prevoius life ! The more heroic the act, the quicker they Evolve, once again leading in to them getting involved in situations most Pokemon would steer well clear of !! As they evolve they continue to seek out situations but better equipped !

Horror and Cats's avatar

Dude even put weight and height 🤣 this is awesome!

FYI if you change the “x” in your link to “Twitter” it will embed with the green Original banner. It would be a travesty if this was disqualified!

Kings Court's avatar

Thank you dude, I thought I did that but appreciate you letting me know, seems i did fx.twitter !! yeh I went a little in on this one, probably spent more time than I should have ! but I enjoyed it ! hahahah

Horror and Cats's avatar

My pleasure man. Got to keep the king's due coming!


ok so i went with an original type pokemon you might see on like pokemon red as those were my pokemon game.

the pokemon is called pyros. He is a similar type to charizard but of a more legendary status such as mew and mewtwo. super rare and almost imposiible to catch in game. maybe like one encounter.

his moveset is

Ember: Fire-type move that Pyroflare can use to launch small fireballs at opponents.

Fire Spin: Pyroflare creates a vortex of flames around its target, trapping them and dealing continuous damage.Flame Charge: It charges at high speed, engulfed in flames, both dealing damage and increasing its own speed.Heat Wave: Pyroflare releases a scorching blast of hot air


I really can't draw, but here you go.

Core moves:

  1. Draco meteor

  2. Overheat

  3. Bite

  4. Will-O-Wisp

This Pokémon and its evolutions are known to be quite a nuisance. Smoulderstela and its pre-evolution Ashkin like to eat minerals and fuel sources. These two are often found devouring peoples charcoal and firewood, they will even drink gasoline if left unguarded. Sootkit, once thought to be soot spirits and to not exist, is the pre-evolution to Ashkin. Sootkit is attracted to dirty fireplaces, campfires and small children. It often goes unseen or unnoticed as it is quick and likes to lurk in the shadows. Despite having wings, Sootkit does not seem to fly. Instead, its wings are used as an intimidation tactic and to put out small fires. While it does not cause trouble by eating people's resources, it leaves black tracks and small soot piles from the illusions it creates with its psychic abilities. Sootkit is delighted by the laughter of young children and will make small illusions out of ash and soot to entertain children when adults are not around.

Smoulderstela is a somewhat moody, yet relatively peaceful Pokémon. It prefers that people keep their distance but if approached, it will not attack unless provoked. It can be won over by offering it gems and minerals. Although, Smoulderstela and its pre-evolution Ashkin have lost the wings that their starting evolution has, Smoulderstela can sprout wings of fire when it is well fed and can maintains a high temperature. If it can not source fuel, it will curl up and enter a hibernation like state and keep its body at a low smoulder.

Sturmer's avatar


Pyrofer is a mischievous fire-type Pokémon that embodies the spirit of a playful flame. It is small but incredibly hot, with a flickering body that seems to dance like a fire demon. Pyrofer is known for its speed and agility, often seen darting around and leaving a trail of embers in its wake.


When Pyrofer evolves into Pyroknight, it gains a formidable suit of armor that channels and enhances its fiery powers. This evolution is marked by intense jet flames that burst from its armor, allowing it to propel itself at high speeds and unleash devastating fire attacks. Pyroknight stands tall like a knight engulfed in flames, ready to defend and conquer.

There is a concept for two core abilities:

  1. Fiery scream

  2. Nucleosis


MooFlame: The Blazing Bovine Pokémon

Fire Type

4 Feet Tall

100 KGs

I’m so proud of the name hahah

MooFlame is a medium-sized cow Pokémon, standing about 4 feet tall at the shoulder. Its body is covered in a sleek, short coat of dark ash-gray fur, with bright orange and red flames constantly flickering along its back, legs, and tail. Its horns are shaped like blazing torches, and its eyes glow with a fiery intensity. MooFlame's hooves are a molten red, leaving scorch marks with each step.

In the ancient grasslands of the Pyro Plains, there once roamed herds of ordinary cattle. Legend has it that a catastrophic volcanic eruption changed the land forever. Among the survivors was a solitary cow that wandered too close to the lava flow. Instead of perishing it, transformed into the first MooFlame. This Pokémon became a symbol of resilience and power, known for its fierce protectiveness over its herd and territory. The locals believe MooFlame to be a guardian spirit, capable of harnessing the raw energy of fire to defend its home and allies. It also shoots flames when it Moo’s because why the hell not

Similar to miltanks moo moo milk. MooFlame provides Flame Milk, which burns through rock but when left to cool for 15 years and it goes to room temperature it provides many nourishing vitamins

Moves Flare Blitz

Inferno Heat Wave

Moo Blast Burn



Type: ground/dragon

This fossil pokemon is the cause of two Dino fossils coming together, it is said that terravores are solitary Pokémon that will eat anything that invades it territory it’s brown and green scales allow it to blend perfectly with its surroundings. This quadrupedal Pokémon is extremely strong and fast and will catch up to the quickest of Pokémon.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

So, here is my first-ever attempt at drawing my own Pokemon!


So here there are no evolutions but some very basic moves!

Fire Armor - Sharply Raises Users Defense Fire Ace - Ignores Accuracy And Evasiveness Fiery Dance - Sharply Raises Users Special Attack

And for a special attack

Fire Nado Breath - The user strikes the target with a Tornado fire breath and lowers the target's defensive stats



AirGaram's avatar

Scorchwing (Fire/Flying)

Species : Fire Raptor Pokemon

Ability :

  1. Flash Fire

  2. Gale Wings (hidden)

Evolution : Flareling (Fire/Normal) -> Fire Stone -> Scorchwing (Fire/Flying)

I based this pokemon on a dino called Pyroraptor. Scorchwing has a sleek, streamlined body that allows it to move at high speeds in order to catch its prey. It's body has grey ash-like color with red and orange feathers on its body that resembles flames. It’s height is roughly the average size of an adult male.

The head resembles that of a raptor with a narrow and pointed beak. It has sharp slit shaped eyes and flame-like feathers that starts from it’s head to the base of it’s neck. It has broad wings that are connected to its arms, allowing it to glide over a long distance but limited flight. This pokemon also has strong legs that allows it quick and powerful movements. When it runs or glides it leaves a trail of embers. It’s claws and talons are tough and can generate heat. It has a long and feathered tail shaped like a fan that aids in balance.

It can be found nearby active volcanoes.

Signature move :

Flame Vortex (Special)

Power : 90

Accuracy : 95

PP : 10

Effect: The user creates a vortex of fire that traps the target, dealing damage for 4-5 turns and lowering the target's Speed stat by 1 stage.

im not a very good drawer, so as an extra reference of the pokemon it would be a combination of a pyroraptor from Jurassic park as the base and archeops.

for some reason, i cant link the twitter page, neither on the post here nor in the reply section.

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