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Video Games

Video Games

I’m intregued to maybe finally set up my series x for this game instead of the series s which I use everyday, so I can really enjoy the visuals, but is it like a telltale game or visual novel almost as it sounds like you just walk about and stuff happens?

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I will set this under spoiler but keep it low level itself.

Horror and Cats's avatar

It’s like a REALLY good movie that has you solve some fairly basic perspective based puzzles. I really enjoy when the combat comes in. I think that’s my favorite part, it’s just not focused on that stuff.

The binaural audio with the voices in your head is WILD too

Juuni's avatar

I have the first one in my playlist for Gamepass but haven't got to it yet. If I jive with the first one, i'll give the second one a shot for sure.

Vixxy's avatar

I've played the first one which i really enjoyed! Its not my usual type of game but i thoroughly enjoyed it. So i am looking forward to playin the 2nd one which is already installed and ready to go when i get chance


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