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Video Games
Boomer's avatar

Excellent, I'll have to tune in for this one!

Honestly anything PSVR-related, or more info about the blurred boundaries between PlayStation and Xbox😁


Did you pick up a PSVR 2? It’s crazy how little focus there seems to have been from Sony on VR recently , I think they might be working on making it work with pc to try and breath new life into it

Boomer's avatar

No not yet, but I really enjoyed v1. I've not had much time for VR recently, but the PSVR was always the easiest to jump into for me.

How about yourself?

Makster's avatar

Just got an open mind with this one. Games, hardware, service improvements - anything really.

I'll try hop on to your twitch but it'll be good to discuss post show what people thought on your discord mate. Defo gonna need a late night coffee for this one - my bedtime is usually around 10pm since my day job starts at like 7am but it'll be worth it!


def dude! make sure you join my playstation discord -


I don't really expect or hope for much on these. I just like seeing the direction they are going with stuff. For this one, I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of a price cut for the PS5


yeah it really didnt hit the mark so you were def right to not expect much!

Thomas's avatar

I will once again be gambling my entire mood on whether or not a Bloodborne PS5 patch gets announced (it won't, so expect me to be crabby 🦀)


haha damn Sony messing with our emotions haha


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