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TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Mew has always been one of my top favourites so whilst this card isn't one of the rarest cards to me it's one of the best I have.

Foolish_Imp's avatar

I couldn't find my legendary book to show off the card I originally had in mind, so I decided to go with the card I think is my best based on sentimental value. I view my Latios card as one of my best because I was obsessed with Latios and Latias as a kid. Latios was the card that completed my pair.

Dom W's avatar

It’s got to be OG Charizard for me. It was the last card I needed to complete the Base set and in one last ditch attempt to get it I thought I’d buy one more booster pack, and amazingly, luckily it was right there. A lovely mint Charizard. It went straight into the binder and remains perfect to this day :-)

Ford James's avatar

It is gorgeous. I am so jealous. I met Mitsuhiro Arita, the artist for the OG Charizard around six years ago for an interview and he signed my fat Pikachu card (and a Volcanion EX he designed), but I wish I had an OG Charizard for him to sign. That would be the dream.

Do you have any other pictures of your collection? Would love to see the other older cards in the binder!


OH I am SOOOOOOOO JEALOUS too, I collected all the cards when they first came out, well tried to with base set but I NEVER pulled a charizard blastoise or venasaur :(

Great card

Ford James's avatar

Hey Dom W, just a heads up I've awarded you for this bounty, but please do remember to verify images submitted to bounties via social media in future! Also my mistake for not noticing when I replied last week, I should've mentioned it then.

Scrbzy's avatar

It took a while to narrow it down to one but here he is.

Briefly collected cards during this era after I had done so in my childhood, I was obsessed with ex cards and was smart enough to store them properly at this point.

Ford James's avatar

Rayquaza is one of the GOATs, such an epic Pokemon. Why is this card in particular your fave?

Scrbzy's avatar

It is yeah, which is one of the reasons why it's my fav. I think it's mainly the era of those silver ereader border cards, kinda seems like a mix between old vintage and some of the more modern stuff. It's also my most valuable card, I'm hoping to get it graded at some point.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Scrbzy, just a heads up I've awarded you for this bounty, but please do remember to verify images submitted to bounties via social media in future! Also my mistake for not noticing when I replied last week, I should've mentioned it then.

Scrbzy's avatar

Thanks James, I did actually wonder when I did it whether I had submitted correctly. Thank you clarifying that, next time I'll do it properly

Paul's avatar

I have some classic cards about including the Aztec Mew card but I can not remember where I put them so for now I will provide my favourite modern card.

This is an secret Rare Pidgeotto card. I love the unique art and how the hollographic finish makes it look like rays of light behind Pidgiotto.

Secret Rare cards have the star symbol next to the card number at the bottom, but are unique in their numbering… they always have a card number that is beyond the standard set.

Ford James's avatar

That is such a lovely full art, do you have the Pidgey/Pidgeot too or just the Pidgeotto?

Paul's avatar

Just the Pidgeotto atm but id love all 3.


Woah, the artwork on this is really insane, very unique

Cherebi's avatar

I am not sure why the preview isn't working? Hopefully a mod can fix it for me please?

Paul's avatar

If you press the cross when edditing your comment and change to it should work

Cherebi's avatar

Thank you Paul! Now updated it. :)

Ford James's avatar

That is freaking adorable.

Cherebi's avatar

Thank you. It was such a tough decision to pick as I adore all of my collection. My whole instagram account is full of my collection! 🥰


Yes!! Great card, I have this too

Ford James's avatar

Both thanks and apologies to Sturmer for his comment on this bounty before I had to delete and repost it - the date was accidentally set for a month longer than intended, but I hope you're still able to enter it with the new deadline!

Sturmer's avatar

Nope, i'm traveling around the globe for another 17 days. np, will pass on this one

Scrbzy's avatar

I can't wait to get home and submit to this one, I have too many that I love so I might additionally post pictures of my fav pages in my binder 😎

Ford James's avatar

Ha, as long as you can pick one of them as the one you nominate, you're welcome to share pictures of as many as you like!

Scrbzy's avatar

Yes I will, gonna be quite hard to choose but I think I'll go with one of my vintage cards 🤔

Scrbzy's avatar

Wasn’t sure if I could include the binder pictures in my bounty submission so here are a few pages 🤙

Ford James's avatar

Some of your full arts are incredible! Lapras, Pidgey, Porygon-Z, Thievul, Hoothoot... that is one hell of a collection. Do you buy individual cards or are they all pack fresh?

Scrbzy's avatar

All of these are pack fresh, I've taken to buying singles more recently as my wallet can't take the hit anymore 😂

The Hoothoot is one of my favs, as is the Lapras, that one was a recent acquisition!


Some vintage Ex cards here! Takes me back about 20 years


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