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TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I think in the past one of the problems they have had is the fact they put all their efforts into one part of the game and then the rest of the game seems like an after thought that they just added in for the sake of adding it in so if they have put plenty effort across all game modes it will help majorly.

Maybe a fresh spin on something like zombies would help give it a boost as well.

Shovel's avatar

So I don’t really play a lot of call of duty I love playing Fortnite so I think my answer would be sort of relatively similar to what I think Fortnite is doing so well the only game mode I really like from call of duty was proper on because it was so fun and it was the less competitive.

I feel like one thing that Fortnite does so well as it has really engaged in Story so every time there’s a new season or a new chapter change is a bit of a backstory as to why there is so I think if they were able to find a bit more of a driven narrative that will help keep the game going and then maybe add more to this narrative as the season changes so you know you’re not playing the same game that you bought a year ago it’s good to switch things up offer updates things with guns you can only get in a certain timeframe or you can get a certain skin for your character

I think chap proximity was really good and useful, but I can completely understand why people would have abused that. I think co-op would be really good back on call of duty especially if you’re on the same team or maybe more multiplayer mode where you can play with someone locally a lot of the games now they’re going more towards co-op but remotely and I completely understand why, but I think the cosy games is what people are craving again now.

avrona's avatar

I never played a CoD game before, but this is probably the first one I'm actually interested in, because all the marketing so far, with shadowy cabals of famous historical figures, make it look like the game will actually have some teeth to it, because a bland toothless game is a great way to make it boring. Having a campaign that may as well have been written by someone like Alex Jones, that takes itself super seriously whilst also doing plenty of ridiculous things sounds awesome! So I just hope that it will lean into it as much as possible. We've seen already how well the internet reacted to the initial marketing, because it's something different, not completely obvious, and has plenty of potential for good old-fashioned controversy, which we all know is always healthy for a game.

Laura's avatar

The last 2 years I've been in the fortunate position to have been given the chance to review the last two COD releases and each time this has been the crux of my reviews; what can they improve on?

My take on it is that they need to stay true to the already loved formula, whilst also giving gamers the satisfaction of something new and not simply a reskin of every other COD game. I can't tell you what that looks like to me, because I simply don't know!

One thing that needs to be removed, not just from Black Ops, but everything COD affiliated, is SBMM. There is no conventional reason for it to exist in pubs, or unranked, if you will. SBMM totally ruined Warzone for many of us. Nobodies gaming experience is enhanced or improved by the existence of SBMM.

Makster's avatar

There is a trend to be hopping onto the latest game modes: battle royale, horde mode, hide & seek etc. but I think COD has the support and finances behind it to really explore new modes and be an industry leader rather than a follower of trends.

They could re-invent zombies to be somewhat competitive and have an enemy team also competing to get out of their bunker and into a helicopter that would get their team to safety all whilst CPU zombies attack both sides.

I think there is a gap in the market for a decent multiplayer too. Black Ops 1 had a great campaign surrounding mysterious numbers and an interrogation and although the conclusion wasn't as satisfying - I felt the plot was the glue that kept you going on through the skirmishes and missions.


What I wanna see is 4 things, let’s keep it simple back ops.

  1. A return to simple NO skills based match making multiplayer lobbies

  2. No wacky bright fortbite colourful style skins, sure make them cool and unique or whatever but gritty.

  3. A return to rounds based zombies mode, not open world like the last one.

  4. A full on blast of a campaign , not a lazy half baked effort like modern warfare 3 was which just felt like multiplayer maps with extractions style missions , I want an on the rails , balls to the wall action for adventure like the call of duty’s of old, a decent 8-10 hour caping and I’ll be happy.

    Thank you for listening to my TED talk ✌️ roll on Sunday !

Makster's avatar

It's been a while since I played COD but what is skills based match making? is that like based on your rank?
Personally I think Street Fighter had a good system where you can have casual play (free for all) and competitive where the system will try to match you up with a player of similar skill

Dave's avatar

I think this entry will be very successful and have it's biggest player base in many years thanks to being included in gamepass.

In terms of the game itself. It needs a lot more polish and care spent on it than the last 2 entries. I didn't buy the latest MW3 on principal because MW2 was so disappointing. Constant crashes on the pc steam version that didn't affect the version.

Terribly designed and unfinished menus and content. hardly any 6v6 maps even though that's the paid multiplayer. A map removed because they modelled it on a real life hotel without permission. They spread themselves too thin across too many game modes that meant the whole thing felt like a beta test.

They also need to put more focus on the paid part of the game IE the normal multiplayer instead of the free to play battle royale mode. It just felt like an afterthought to them in MW2 with every patch having loads of stuff for the free mode and hardly anything for the classic 6v6 game.

The campaign teaser is looking promising so let's hope that delivers! Let's hope they drop the awful crafting mechanics as they were really bad in the couple of the MW2 levels that had it.

Limal's avatar

I also vote for PVE coop mode, be it a zombies or something else, maybe in a battle royal style to increase intensity and at the same time force team to constantly move.

or maybe a tower defence mode?) Anyway, pve coop to get more players like me, who do not like pvp

Makster's avatar

A decent co-op campaign seems to be missing from a lot of comments. I have fond memories going through the COD4 campaign with buddies in high school and, of course, mile high

Sturmer's avatar

Mobile cross-platform, NFTs, premium bullets, and a market with skins...


I think these 3 components would be great:

  1. bug-free release

  2. fair balance

  3. zombie mode

Makster's avatar

I think a completely bug-free release is impossible nowadays. Games are so complicated and there is a limited amount of resources and time for developers to ship a completely bug free game where it's close to impossible to test it out on every possible scenario.

Especially for PC builds of the game where PC builds can change how a game runs which is why PC is the most difficult to develop for.

I'm curious to know what fair balance is too?

Sturmer's avatar

Thanks to engines and modern programming languages, making games nowadays is actually easier. And Nightingale is a good example: after 160+ hours in an early access game on UE5, I can hardly name any serious bug that blocked my progression or spoiled the gameplay.

Baldurs Gate 3 also was pretty smooth, so do the Valheim and many other games.

And then we get FF7 remake, which lags on 4090 :))


Just get closer with the community listen to their advice because only they can make the game popular make updates and they will get what they wanted.

Toretto 70's avatar

I think COD BO 6 need to bring back Zombie survival mode and maybe make a new fun mode ASAP, because some player are bored if they just play a normal mode.

Samuel's avatar

In my opinion, CoD Black Ops 6 needs to return all the way back to their plain roots of BO1 & 2, where the franchise in my opinion, peaked.

The Zombies survival mode back then had a much more original and dark feel about it, actually inducing a few tingles in the game. Now, I don't get that same feeling looking at a running glowstick shining purple and green...

Removing all unrealistic money spinning skins and animations would also be lovely - remove the metas, go back to how balanced the game was, and do away with all of the rediculous mechanics that were introduced in later titles.

And I hope to god that campaign will be as beautiful as they once were.


don't add another variant of war zone and bring back the old black ops how it usedo be and NUKE TOWN for the win!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

It needs to do what they have not done since MW 14 (if memory serves, map crossfire)

COD has gone downhill, since MW originals, we need our old fun back

Zombie Trains & buses, bring it back

Multiplayer that not a Battle Royale, trying to get normal matches is a pain, people just prefer to sweat our Warzone.

We need COD to go back to it roots and re-invent itself, it is much like Fortnite, they brought back the OG map and players flooded back for that week, then they went to a newer iteration and people left again, this is the same as COD BO, we need a real game, a game you can enjoy player instead of thinking your PC would look funny flying out a window!

Paul's avatar

To have a solid single/ co op campaign and to have a miltiplayer mode that can stand by its gameplay instead of ramming it with pointless pop culture crossovers like Fortnite.


I think call of duty black ops 6 needs better skill based matchmaking for multiplayer and a good zombie’s storyline with more earnable camos without the need for spending a lot of money


I think call of duty black ops 6 needs a good zombie survival mode to succeed with some comedy kills, some challenging levels, some highlights of the best team kills and stats for that mode too

In terms of the online multiplayer, I think the “power levelling” in COD has gone a bit too much, the original simple call of duty black ops games were so successful and I think the problem with trying to outdo a previous game by adding in new mechanics is that you can do too much, there is too many ways you can move in these games, crazy jumps, parachutes, using walls for leverage etc

Similar to how fornite brought in a no build mode. I think COD black ops needs to have a mode where they go back to some of the basics to allow new players to get back into the game without disrupting too many veteran cod players either


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