Hot mudcrab dip*? Grilled radroach**? Bethesda's sandbox games have a knack for varied and interesting recipes. In fact, both game series have their very own official cookbooks filled with the recipes required for recreating some of these culinary monstrosities marvels.
In what is Just About's first-ever cooking bounty, we want you to try your hand at making one of them! You don't have to use one of the official recipe books, you can do your own take. For a list of Fallout dishes that you could recreate, we recommend The Vault Dweller's Cookbook wiki and for Elder Scrolls, the wiki has an equivalent list. So choose a dish and get cooking.
Bonus points will be granted to more unique and ambitious dishes. An entrant who attempts to make Fallout's 'mystery meat-wrapped Nukalurk' will be much more likely to win a prize than an entrant who makes Skyrim's 'grilled leeks'.
We want you to document your cooking journey using images or video too. Include them in your entry along with a description of how you made it and, of course, how it tastes.
* JustAbout will not be held responsible for food poisoning. Your cooking skills are on you.
** Please don't actually eat heavily irradiated cockroaches.
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$30 / 120
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