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Video Games
Sturmer's avatar

I used to play it, even sitting in the top 500 players, but then OW2 came out and I dropped the game.

Nicole's avatar

What was it about OW2 that lost you? Or did you just want to get into other games?

Sturmer's avatar

Not sure, but OW is the only PVP FPS game I played seriously, well... Destiny 2 too, but much less. There was something special that clicked me, and then they lost it.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

But where is the PVE and Storyline part they promised?

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

This is good news, I used to love that game till they started acting like this, lets hope it's not to little, to late.

Juuni's avatar

Oh, giving us the game mode that (most of us) actually paid for and then took away along with giving us other false promises?

I bounced quick on the 5v5 because it became way too easy for your team to get wiped and placed so far behind, rounds just became streamrolls. I only played OW2 for about a month and said 'well they ruined this now, time to leave'

Vixxy's avatar

I have played OW since pretty much the start so am super happy for them to be testing bringing 6v6 back! The 5v5 is ok but i feel that supports are not so well protected with the lack of 2 tanks. One shield tank with an "off" tank was great and personally i never saw an issue with queue times although i didnt really do a lot if ranked back then since there were not really cheaters in quick play , unlike now, that its free to play and easy for them to keep making new accounts. But thats a whole other beef lol

Anyway it will certainly be interestibg to see how they implement it. I can't wait!


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