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Video Games

Video Games
Sturmer's avatar

Are you a fan of this game? It's sitting in my backlog for a while, I always find an excuse to play something else :D

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I love Sea of Thieves it's been one of my favourite games for the last few years now.

Sturmer's avatar

TheGreatestBanana12 Then I have some pics with SoT from a Gamescom!

Sturmer's avatar

Nope, I've had like 15 minutes to finish the photo session before the opening, so I just ran through, before it got crowded like this

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

It doesn't surprise me the lines were like that for Monster Hunter

Makster's avatar

If it's a game series it'd be Persona

If it were a genre it'd be fighting games or rhythm games

Boomer's avatar

I'd have a two-tier bounty for Outer Wilds...but strictly no spoilers!

  • Tier 1: Share a video where you successfully visit each planet without using your ship 🚀

  • Tier 2: Share a fails compilation video where you attempt to visit each planet without your ship ☠️

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

That does sound interesting, I have never actually played Outer Wilds so I'm curious how difficult that is to do.

Boomer's avatar

I recommend not watching any videos as it's so easy to spoil and impossible to replay once you know. It very quickly went from what's going on all the way to this is my favourite game.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Final Fantasy XIV.

Find a reference to another Final Fantasy game in it, explain which other FF game it came from and tell us how different it is from its original occurrence.

(For all the Final Fantasy nerds out there)

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

That would be a fun one to do. What is your favourite reference then?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

The lvl 70 alliance raid series is based on FFXII. You get to explore a ruined Rabanastre (as here it's the capital of a nation which has been invaded by the Garlean Empire) accompanied by Fran. Then at lvl 80 if you complete a lot of achievements in the Bozja region, you get Fran's bike as a mount. There is a slow but easy way to collect the notes you need from quests and such or you can complete duels for it. When I did those duels I was really not good at the game yet and they were actually some of the hardest content I did at the time, just for that bike and I was so proud :D

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

That's so cool, do you have any screenshots with you and the bike?

I have only played FF 14 a small amount I think I had an a Arcanist in the 20s when I stopped playing again.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I checked and I have a level 29 Arcanist.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

One more level then and you'll unlock the 2 best jobs (according to me): summoner and scholar!

But, here is the bike:

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

That is cool and yeah my aim was to try be a summoner.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Literally anything Resident Evil lol. Write the premise for RE9, take a great RE screenshot, show us a Mercenaries high score run, ANYTHING Resident Evil.

Horror and Cats's avatar

RE4 (2005) is my favorite in the series and really favorite game of all time. The VR version on Quest 2 is also mind blowing. All the classic goodness translates to VR amazingly

Paul's avatar


Most impressive fail!

Heres my personal best:

Snow runner is a great, chill game and you can get yourself in to some ridiculous situations. It would make a good game for a bounty.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

How did you end up in that situation?

Paul's avatar

I got the blue truck stuck on the far side of the bridge with a tanker. Braught the orange one over, disconnected the trailor and started to winch the blue truck out of the mud. I couldnt get it lined up to the bridge though andthe more I tried to pull it up, the closer the other got to the opposit edge. I didnt realise untill it shifted suddenly and I jolted forward, leaving both hanging off the edge 🤣 that was a fun hour.

JHenckes's avatar

I would like one for World Of Warcraft. With the new expansion it would be a good marketing!

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

WoW would be a good one as there so many options you could do a bounty on.

Have you played every WoW expansion and what was your favourite one.

JHenckes's avatar

I started playing the game in the Mists of Pandaria expansion in 2012. I loved it, I had a lot of free time back then. But nowadays I only play occasionally, I end up following the story through friends and videos on the internet. For me the best expansion is Legion, I had a lot of fun playing it in 2016!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Command & Conquer :) That would be epic


Guild Wars 2, new expansion, plenty of possibilities for bounties such as:

  • Your favourite Bear

  • Write a fanfic in the style of Snargle Goldclaw

  • Views of Jantir

And more.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

nice idea! I don't have the newest expansion yet but I do plan on getting it.

What class do you play?


My main, as the one with which I do all the new story, so its the "most up to date" character, is a mesmer. Mesmer rules, it is well known.~

But I do have all classes by now, so I do stuff with them as well.

What about you?

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

My main character that I use is a Necromancer


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