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Video Games

Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

While it's indeed very simplified, I think there's a lot of truth to it. Most games I play fall into the menu category (rpgs) and I like the structure, that I can plan, that I have choices to make. I panic if I'm facing a situation where things are out of my control and since I get a lot of these in my life, at least in gaming I think I like to have that structure and being able to plan my every move.

A more specific example but I think it also fits: there are 2 types of healers in FFXIV, shield and regen healer. Regen healer has stronger, pure heals, good for reacting to something which has already happened, but has less pre-emptive tools, which makes it very stressful for me, as I don't like to see my party drop to low HP. So I prefer shield healer, where I can prepare to things, put up a shield when the enemy is casting an attack, so even if I don't know what comes, I did prepare for it somehow and have less stress reacting to it later.

JHenckes's avatar

It really is an abbreviated way of looking at games, but I think that many of them, especially the well-produced ones, have a greater degree of depth. Minecraft, for example, even though it's a game with a very reactive parkour style, has a universe of menu mechanics in it, as well as other points that could be added to this cake, but that's not the point at the moment.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Resident Evil is definitely menus lol


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