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TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Final Fantasy music is amazing

To add a little extra composer Nobuo Uematsu did the composition by himself for the first 9 Final fantasy games before requesting help for the 10th game after that he started to compose less and most recently he composed only the theme song for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Distant Worlds

Going back to 2007 Nobuo Uematsu and conductor Arnie Roth created a concert called Distant Worlds: Music From Final Fantasy which was launched in conjunction with the first games 20th anniversary,The music played at each of these concert vary slightly with so much music from final fantasy they would never fit it into one concert so they rotate the songs. The popularity of these concerts went on beyond anyone could have expected without sellout performances in multiple different countries. Since the first concert in 2007 there have now been over 100 concerts and is still being performed today.

New World

In 2014 Square Enix launched a brand new concert that was marketed as more "intimate" versions of the Distant Worlds concerts which feature more solo and duet performances with edited versions of music that could be played by small chamber orchestras in smaller venues, this concert has also been performed over 100 times internationally and much like the main concert Distant worlds it is still being performed today.

To conclude there is much love for Final Fantasy music world wide even by people who have never played any of the games and it has even bought many musicians together to share there love for the music of the games.

The following videos are fan made medleys of music from Final Fantasy XIV that show just some of the love for this music.

Videos made by Husky by the Geek

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Hope you will enjoy the concert! Looking forward to another takeover from you if you want to write about it ;)

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Husky is such an amazing artis I love his works! Maybe one day I'll be brave enough and sign up for one of his projects. Haven't been singing in a while but it's tempting.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I do love the music of these games, the soundtracks really are something else.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


Is the perfect song for a Military army tank cavalry sounds imponent and with strength

LiquidMorkite's avatar

Nothing hit me as hard as FF8's Balamb Garden's background music. My first entry in the series, first time playing a JRPG, the nostalgia, the excitement to explore and run around, still love it 'til today.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

FFVIII is such an amazing game and it doesn't get as much love as it deserves. I think everyone knows Liberi Fatali but this one is also so good!

LiquidMorkite's avatar

It was the first game in the series that ran on full motion videos with 3D character models that had that "mature" design, which I believe set the foundation for later installments of the franchise!

TrialByStory's avatar

One of my favorite demonstrations of Nobuo Uematsu's influence is when the Japanese Self-Defense Force, US Marine Corps, and US Army marching bands did a joint performance of a particular song from the original Final Fantasy as part of the finale to a marching band festival in 2012.

Something else worth noting is The Black Mages, the band Uematsu formed alongside two other composers working at Square, which plays rock/metal versions of Final Fantasy songs. In this video of the group performing One Winged Angel you can see him on one of the keyboard set ups and he looks like he's having a blast performing one of his most iconic works.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention The Skies Above from their second album, where they took the melody from FFX's intro/main theme To Zanarkand and used it as the vocal line for a whole new song. This track was also my initial gateway into what has become my favorite musical genre.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

That parade looks really cool!

Oh you showed me something new, I didn't know about The Black Mages! He definitely enjoys playing the piano. Can't find a footage of it I think it was a non-recordable broadcast when Yoshi-P invited him to play during one of the FFXIV events, got him dresses up as an Ascian with the grey robe and a hood, we could only see his hands. And when he pushed back the hood everyone was screaming.

If you like Final Fantasy goes metal then I think you will also like Soken's band The Primals. They play FFXIV music. The singer is the game's localisation wizard Michael-Christopher Koji Fox

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ve never played a FF game but even I imagine the FF7 battle music whenever I do something feux-epic (like pretend wrestle my dogs lol)

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think it shows how great a franchise is if it can reach people just by its music. But I need to know... Who is Sephiroth in that fight you or your dog? 😁

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh I’m definitely the bad guy “attacking” the plucky hero haha

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

On Saturday I went to the Royal Albert Hall in London to see the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth concert which was performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Maida Vale Singers and conducted by Arnie Roth. It was a great experience as always with these concerts Final Fantasy music played by a live orchestra is something you just can't beat with Rebirth having a mixture of new music and new versions of the classics from the original. Some of my personal favourites of the performance were Cosmo Canyon and the Golden Saucer.

JHenckes's avatar

If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Japanese companies always achieve incredible soundtracks!

I always get goosebumps when I hear the Final Fantasy X theme song, it's where I first became a fan of the franchise! The nostalgia is very strong.

Very good text, by the way. You write very well!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Thank you so much! I used to write articles in my native language, but I never thought my English was good enough for it. The community here at JA and the bounties inspired me to try it and I'm really enjoying it!

JHenckes's avatar

I've had the same experience here at JA. I don't have the knowledge of writing that you do, but I've been improving my English more and more. The community here is a very good incentive, I found it welcoming!

Phoenix_Dfire's avatar

I've always had a soft spot for Apocalypsis Noctis, but I loved the whole of FF XV's soundtrack.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

This song is such a banger! One of my motivational songs when I need to get things done.


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