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Video Games
Horror and Cats's avatar

Yuuuup, Dino Crisis is THE choice

Lanah Tyra's avatar

What do we mean by proper remaster? As making the original available on modern platforms with upscaled graphics or an FF7 type of remake?

For remaster I would put the original .hack// games which came out on PS2. We got a remaster of .hack//GU for PS4 / Steam but where's the rest? Most underrated games EVER.


Good point! I guess in my head I was thinking Remake like FF7 / resident evil games have had!

As remaster is just exact same game with polished up graphics / resolution / control tweaks usual isn’t it?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Yeah remaster is exact same game with polished stuff.

As for the FF7 style remake... That's a hard one. The more I look into what exactly is different in FF7 Remake compared to the OG... I don't think there's even another FF game they could pull this off. Beside the completely new graphics, combat elements and new minigames all the new story elements come from the extra material (other games, books, interviews, blogs etc) we have called the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. That's where all the "reimagining" and extra story elements come from which make it a true remake and not just the more or less same game with new graphics.

What other game franchise has such extra material to work with?

henhid's avatar

I was thinking about Legacy of Kain, and then I found out there's a remastered version coming soon.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


Remake or remaster l want to see from many games like: Pandemonium, Philosoma , Shellshock nam 67, Burnout or Kill Switch

But l never forget this Fighting/RPG that you can upgrade or mix animal's for nice combat in PS1

I miss my undefeated KANGOO-BEE

*NOTE: the art of this game was made it in collaboration with STUDIO GHIBLI 😲

Makster's avatar

Is this a remaster or a full on remake?


I guess in my head I was thinking Remake like FF7 / resident evil games have had!

Makster's avatar

Ah that’s a remake more than a remaster.

Remaster is like Lollipop Chainsaw RePop

Amoni P's avatar

Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight - not like a total rebuild of the game with a new cast or anything, but rather just maybe a bit of upscaling and modernizing so that it works on modern gaming platforms like they did with Dark Forces 1.

I didn't get play the full Dark Forces 2 game until I was much older, but when I was a kid I played the shit out of the Dark Forces 2 demo. I must have played that demo hundreds of times. It was my favorite.

Rich's avatar

Jedi Knight was such a masterpiece. I loved it at the time and I remember the critics did as well, and yet I still think it was underrated. It deserves to be mentioned in every one of those 'best game' lists.


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