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Video Games
yan57436's avatar

I was very wary of this game, I'm a lover of the saga and the apparent change in graphic style scared me, now I'm going with a better idea!

JHenckes's avatar

I think the most important thing about this news is that BioWare is finally going to take a deep breath in the face of all the pressure it has been under over the last few releases (it was even rumored that the studio would close its doors).

I'm a big fan of their games, especially Mass Effect, but I really like Dragon Age Inquisition, so I'm glad they're going to follow the wave of incredible RPG releases that has been coming out in recent years.

SIRCAM's avatar

After what they did with Anthem i don't trust Bioware anymore, never played their other games, and when they finally caught my attention with Anthem they crumbled apart with the development.

Can't wait to see user reviews.


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