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Video Games

Video Games
yan57436's avatar

I'm playing the average star wars outlaws, I'm going to astro (goty) bot and I'll end the month with resident evil 4, all on the playstation 5.

JHenckes's avatar

I never would have thought that that little experimental PS VR game would one day become one of the best games of the year, Astro Bot is too cool!

Dydo's avatar

I'm now playing ED, Nightingale and Norland like a mad man, even screwing my work-from-home schedule today, nothing that harmed me in any way, but I'm not gonna dare do it again.

For the next weeks I'm planning to (re)play Mafia Definitive Edition (It's now free on Amazon Prime!!!).

JHenckes's avatar

Hahaha, at least you were having a lot of fun!

The Mafia franchise is really cool, I've played them all!

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Elite Dangerous mainly, but I'm playing The Forest with my friend and I'm playing Taxi Life with my girlfriend, we take turns in each ride.

Makster's avatar

I played Persona 3 when it was released on the PSP and I absolutely loved it!
I also loved Persona 5 Royal - in fact an anime figure of Ann just arrived for my birthday so I can't wait to get into it

This month I'm working through Yakuza 5. I'm a big fan of the series and I love that most of the games are available on the PS4 (physical too!)


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