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Video Games

Video Games
Dave's avatar

I’ve only really paid any attention to “the game awards” these last 3 years or so. I didn’t realise it’s been going for so long. When people speculated what would win game of the year, I always thought “based on whose opinion?”. It’s a very American culture thing I think to regard this Geoff Keighley show choice as being the “game of the year”.

For me in the past it would be measured on Eurogamers game of the year in their end of year list ( a real shame they stopped doing it, I think in part because Peter Moore complained that FIFA wasn’t on it one year & they wanted to stop all the arguing like with review scores).

In terms of award ceremonies I would regard the BAFTAs game of the year as the awarded game of the year. As for the one linked, it sounds like it’s very aligned to anime & the sub cultures around that so that will skew the winning picks a certain direction if it’s a fan voted one.

Vivisector's avatar

First time i heard of them :O anyway i was never a fan of FF so :D

Sturmer's avatar

Ty, Good catch!

I've been covering BGA recently:

I feel the complexity of multi-platform releases is often overstated. After speaking with numerous developers, publishers, and engine creators, it's clear that modern tools like Unity and Unreal Engine offer frameworks to build for multiple platforms in just days. Adapting platform-specific features like UI/UX may take some effort for more complex games, but even that process is streamlined with today's tools.

The idea that multi-platform releases are daunting is a myth. Take the solo developer of Balatro as an example: one person developed and launched the game across nine platforms, including all modern systems!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Oh nice I'll have a look!

I didn't know what the current development tools are capable of so that's good to know that it's not as difficult / expensive as it sounds. I didn't mind FF being PS exclusive as I got used to it and have a PS, but since they are going to release them on PC too I think it would be better to release it at the same time. Platform exclusive by choice, fine, keep it that way. But if you want good sales on your game and planning multiple platforms anyway, then do it at the same time.

Boomer's avatar

I like the idea of smaller game awards. It gives more developers a chance for exposure, but each award probably carries less prestige. That said, I'm all for supporting smaller awards!


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