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Video Games

Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

Gotta love the Starlight decorations in FFXIV. Snow on the beach. Though I was told today that EVE has snow in space so I think we just lost the most unrealistic snow location contest XD

Boomer's avatar

OK now I want to see the most out of place Christmas decorations! 😆

Sturmer's avatar

Eve Online, these moving storms are great idea, I think we need something with similar mechanics all the time + awesome snow visuals

mastercesspit's avatar

the best game for seasonal events would be the game that asks whether i want them, gives me the download size so i can decide if i want to wait for that,

haven't found one yet, across the board it's a mandatory patch, and when you want to just play the game it's wait for a patch to download,

a good example was occupy mars, 2.7 gig for specially genetically engineered spiders that can live in a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere and build Halloween spider webs to catch......??? a couple pumkin heads that were glitched and had to be repatched due to game crash, lmao!

so the best game would be one that gives you a choice,.... one day,

don't get me wrong, i've got 9 grandchildren, so i'm all holidays all the time, and i just want to withdraw from that and play some games sometimes.

have fun 07

Dave's avatar

I loved James Pond 2 back in the day. I was one of the few people that bought an Amiga cd32 & I had that version of it. It’s was basically just the Amiga 1200 version with a few streaming fmv animations cut scenes/intro off the disk (like all cd32 games).

First ingame Christmas timed event I experienced was Shenmue on the Dreamcast where for a week or two around the date from the consoles clock, the town would have a little bit of winter/Xmas theme. Was very novel back in the day.

Today it’s got to be Fortnite, you can visit the lodge in the menu and open a present each day which have decent free cosmetic stuff in them. The map is Xmas themed with fun new items like slippy ice block feet, plus there was a live event this week where a big bloc of ice melted over a few days, leading to Mariah Carey being inside it who then performed her song.



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